


  (* 这个说的是印度国王纪悼王后的故事。)


  2。COME TO MY garden walk, my love. Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight. Pass them by, stopping at some chance joy, that like a sudden wonder of sunset illumines, yet eludes.

  For love''s gift is shy, it never tells its name, it flits across the shade, spreading a shiver of joy along the dust. Overtake it or miss it for ever. But a gift that can be grasped is merely a frail flower, or a lamp with a flame that will flicker.





  3。THE FRUITS COME in crowds into my orchard, they jostle each other. They surge up in the light in an anguish of fullness.

  Proudly step into my orchard, my queen, sit there in the shade, pluck the ripe fruits from their stems, and let them yield, to the utmost, their burden of sweetness at your lips.

  In my orchard the butterflies shake their wings in the sun, the leaves tremble, the fruits clamour to come to completion.



  骄傲地来到我的花园啊, 我的王后,坐在那树荫里,摘下那些已然成熟的果子呀,让它们咿呀惊叫,不管它们如何叫得响亮,它们的重担--那甜蜜,只是为了你的柔唇而生的哦。
