




  我的船儿是那般的弱小呢,不适于在大雨里渡过狂风巨浪的。若你只轻轻步入这船儿,我会沿岸边的树荫悠悠地划桨,那儿沉沉暗水泛起涟漪,尤若酣睡被梦翻起;那儿低垂的树枝里,树鸽咕咕的叫鸣,使那中午的影子充满忧悒。 当白昼过尽,当你疲倦之时,我会摘一朵滴水的百合,插入你的发际,然后就离去。


  8.THERE IS ROOM for you. You are alone with your few sheaves of rice. My boat is crowded, it is heavily laden, but how can I turn you away? your young body is slim and swaying; there is a twinkling smile in the edge of your eyes, and your robe is coloured like the rain-cloud.


  The travellers will land for different roads and homes. You will sit for a while on the prow of my boat, and at the journey''s end none will keep you back.


  Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves? I will not question you, but when I fold my sails and moor my boat, I shall sit and wonder in the evening, - Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves?





  .  为储存那些稻子,你会去往哪里,会走向哪个屋子?我不会询问你的,可当我收起我的帆、停泊了我的船,我会坐在夜里痴痴而疑-只为储存那些稻子,你去了哪里,走向了哪个屋子?

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  9.WOMAN, YOUR basket is heavy, your limbs are tired. For what distance have you set out, with what hunger of profit? The way is long and the dust is hot in the sun.


  See, the lake is deep and full, its water dark like a crow''s eye. The banks are sloping and tender with grass.


  Dip your tired feet into the water. The noon-tide wind will pass its fingers through your hair; the pigeons will croon their sleep songs, the leaves will murmur the secrets that nestle in the shadows.


  What matters it if the hours pass and the sun sets; if the way through the desolate land be lost in the waning light.
