望海潮 梅英疏淡 秦观(2)



  QIN Guan – Lyrics to Gazing at the Tide of the Sea

  Pure and delicate are plum blossoms, snow melts and flow away,

  Concealed in easterlies is lapsed youth.

  Those attending the bazaars of the Golden Valley and Copper Camel Alleyway

  Are treading lightly raising mild dust on such a new fine day.

  I still remember that time when I followed the wrong coach,

  Among drifting catkins butterflies whirl to my spring nostalgia complicate.

  In the shade of willows and along paths lined with peach trees,

  Households all over receive a share of this spring landscape.

  In the West Garden I drink the night away and the Tartar pipe play,

  There are lanterns overshadowing the moon,

  And a marquee getting in the way of drifting blooms.

  Not yet bare is the orchid garden, growing old are those who come and go,

  Every time I there enter adds to my lament and regrets.

  In the obscurity of smoke, wine flags incline,

  I lean over a high-rise to further my sight,

  And see many a duck returning to branches and stay.

  Although I so desire homecoming,

  I could only send my thoughts with the flowing water to the very far away.




  而三月的艳阳天,处处都荡漾着迷人的春天气息。“絮翻蝶舞”、 “柳下桃蹊”、“乱分春色”以浓墨重彩写出了往昔春日之美,“芳思交加”极写当年畅游时心情的欢喻,这些都为下文对比今朝之暗淡埋下了伏笔。“西园夜饮”句由春日的胜景转入喻快的饮宴,时间则由白天进入到了夜晚,当时欢会之盛、兴致之高可想而知。然而,昔日的欢乐终究已成为过去。当年夜饮时是何等的意气风发,豪气冲天,如今却是“行人渐老”,何等的消沉。“烟暝酒旗斜”,再无往日的欢乐与荣耀,独倚酒楼,所见只有“栖鸦”,更寓寄着宦海沉浮、仕途蹉跎的感慨在里面。人生是这样的变幻无常,政治是这样的难以把握,昨日的美好回忆也成了镜花水月,那归去之心也就无可奈何地,然而却又是自然而然地占据了词人的脑海。在感旧——思归的情绪中,词人把一种丰富的社会、人生感慨淋漓尽致地表达了出来。  作者简介

