

  Only from having a dish at home.

  And those grapes! They melt in the mouth like wine,

  Just a click of the tongue, and they burst to honey.

  They're only this morning off the vine,

  And I paid for them down in silver money.

  The Corporal's widow is witness, her pony

  Brought them in at sunrise to-day.

  Those oranges -- Gold! They're almost red.

  They seem little chips just broken away

  From the sun itself. Or perhaps instead

  You'd like a pomegranate, they're rarely gay,

  When you split them the seeds are like crimson spray.

  Yes, they're high, they're high, and those Turkey figs,

  They all come from the South, and Nelson's ships

  Make it a little hard for our rigs.

  They must be forever giving the slips

  To the cursed English, and when men clips

  Through powder to bring them, why dainties mounts

  A bit in price. Those almonds now,

  I'll strip off that husk, when one discounts

  A life or two in a nigger row

  With the man who grew them, it does seem how

  They would come dear; and then the fight

  At sea perhaps, our boats have heels

  And mostly they sail along at night,

  But once in a way they're caught; one feels

  Ivory's not better nor finer -- why peels

  From an almond kernel are worth two sous.

  It's hard to sell them now," he sighed.

  "Purses are tight, but I shall not lose.

  There's plenty of cheaper things to choose."

  He picked some currants out of a wide

  Earthen bowl. "They make the tongue

  Almost fly out to suck them, bride

  Currants they are, they were planted long

  Ago for some new Marquise, among

  Other great beauties, before the Chateau
