




  理译:There he is gathering the dolichos! Is like three seasons!

  A day without seeing him There he is gathering the mugwort!

  Is like three months! A day without seeing him

  There he is gathering the oxtail-southerwood! Is like three years!

  A day without seeing him

  许译:One Day when I See Her Not When her I do not see,

  To gather vine goes she One day seems long as seasons three.

  When her I do not see, To gather herbs goes she.

  One day seems longer than months three. When her I do not see,

  To gather reed goes she. One day seems longer than years three.

  解析:该诗用重调叠咏的手法形象生动地描写了相爱青年男女彼此思念的心情。全诗由三节组成,“一日不见”在每节重复,其他行也只改动了一个字,情感程度逐渐加深。两译本都保留了原诗的重调叠咏,但实现的方式有所不同。理雅各直译原诗的每一个词,词序没有发生任何变化,用词与结构与原诗完全一致,较为可惜的是没有像原诗一样押韵。许渊冲没有字字对译,对词序做了灵活处理,以更好地传递原诗字里行间所表露出的深层含义和情感。对于第二节咏叹部分“long as"稍作变动,全诗没有完全一致采用 “longer than".





  理译:In the wild there is a dead antelope, And it is bound round with the white grass.

  And it is wrapped up with the white grass. There is a young lady like a gem.

  There is a young lady with thoughts natural to the spring, [She says], Slowly, gently, gently;

  And a fine gentleman would lead her astray. Do not move my handkerchief;

  In the forest there are th scrubby oaks; Do not make my dog bark.

  In the wild there is a dead deer,

  许译:An antelope is killed He sees the white-drest maid

  And wrapped in white afield. As beautiful as jade.

  A maid for love does long, “O soft and slow, weetheart,

  Tempted by a hunter strong. Don't tear my sash apart!"

  He cuts down trees amain The jadelike maid says,"Hark!

  And kills a deer again. Do not let the dog bark.


