


  关键词: 素 真 美 爱 乐

  Abstract: SU (simple ; plain) has had important status and great value in Chinese classical aesthetics .Seeking Su-Beauty is an important character of TaoYuanming’s poetry . It is his aesthetic manner which looking Su as beauty that made the commonplace pastoral life to show an unique aesthetic meaning . TaoYuanming found the true essence of Yi and Dao in Su , and taste the true beauty in it . Thus , he went back to the countryside and dwelled there , loving deeply of it , enjoying it, and amusing himself in it .His soul then got a true freedom . Surely , the countryside is the true house of the free soul of Tao Yuanming .

  Key words: Su; true ;beauty ;love ;enjoy


  “素”在中国古典美学中一直有着重要地位和价值。《周易·履卦》中有“初九,素履往,无咎。”强调“素履”;《诗经·国风》之《扬之水》篇中有“素衣朱衣暴 ”、“素衣朱绣”的审美态度,即朴素(白色或者其它不艳丽的纯色,面料普通)的衣服上外加一件红色的衣服或者刺上红色绣花,“素”与“朱”相互衬托为美;《诗经·国风》之《素冠》篇也提到“素冠”、“素衣”;《论语》中也记载,孔子与学生讨论《诗经》,学生子夏问:“巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,何谓也?”孔子曰:“绘事后素。”中国美学极为推崇“素”之美。
