美女与野兽 童话作者(2)


  One day news came that a ship had arrived which would make the merchant wealthy again.


  The merchant set off to the city, and just before he left he said, "Tell me, daughters, what gifts would you like me to bring back for you?"

  商人打算进城,出发前他问道:“ 告诉我,女儿们,你们希望我带给你什么礼物?”

  The two older girls asked for fine clothes and jewels, but Beauty wanted nothing . Realizing this made her sisters look greedy, she thought it best to ask for something. "Bring me a rose, father," she said, "just a beautiful red rose."


  When the merchant reached the city he found disaster had struck once more and the ship's cargo was ruined.


  He took the road home wondering how to break the news to his children. He was so deep in thought that he lost his way.


  Worse still, it started to snow, and he feared he would never reach home alive.


  Just as he despaired he noticed lights ahead, and riding towards them he saw a fine castle.


  The gates stood open and flares were alight in the courtyard.
