美女与野兽 童话作者(3)



  In the stables a stall empty with hay in the manger and clean bedding on the floor ready for his horse.

  The castle itself seemed to be deserted, but a fire was burning in the dining-hall where a table was laid with food.


  The merchant ate well and still finding no one went upstairs to a bedroom which had been prepared. " It is almost as if I were expected," he thought.

  商人吃过晚餐,但是他还是看不到主人 ,于是他走上楼,来到一间已经预备好的卧室。“似乎有人期待我来。”他心想。

  In the morning he found clean clothes had been laid out for him and breakfast was on the table in the dining - hall.


  After he had eaten he fetched his horse and as he rode away he saw a spray of red roses growing from a rose bush.


  Remembering Beauty's request, and thinking he would be able to bring a present for at least one daughter, he plucked a rose from the bush.


  Suddenly a beast-like monster appeared. "Is this how you repay my hospitality?" it roared. "You eat my food, sleep in my guest-room and then insult me by stealing my flowers. You shall die for this."


  The merchant pleaded for his life, and begged to see his children once more before he died.
