格林童话故事第32篇:称心如意的汉斯Hans in luck(5)




  Hans in luck

  Hans had served his master for seven years, so he said to him, "Master, my time is up; now I should be glad to go back home to my mother; give me my wages." The master answered, "You have served me faithfully and honestly; as the service was so shall the reward be;" and he gave Hans a piece of gold as big as his head. Hans pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket, wrapped up the lump in it, put it on his shoulder, and set out on the way home.

  As he went on, always putting one foot before the other, he saw a horseman trotting quickly and merrily by on a lively horse. "Ah!" said Hans quite loud, "what a fine thing it is to ride! There you sit as on a chair; you stumble over no stones, you save your shoes, and get on, you don't know how."  The rider, who had heard him, stopped and called out, "Hollo! Hans, why do you go on foot, then?"

  "I must," answered he, "for I have this lump to carry home; it is true that it is gold, but I cannot hold my head straight for it, and it hurts my shoulder."

上一篇:格林童话故事第31篇:没有手的姑娘The girl without hands下一篇:格林童话故事第33篇:三种语言The three languages