格林童话故事:水晶棺材The glass coffin(5)




  等他们把东西放好后,石块便载着少女与裁缝穿过洞顶的窟隆,一起往上升去,到达了上面的洞厅,从这儿他们可以轻易地踏入野外。 这时 ,少女一把掀开了棺盖,只见那些曾是缩小的农舍便神奇地扩张开来,顷刻间便恢复了原状。 少女和裁缝又重新走回下面的洞厅,再次把那些盛着烟雾的瓶罐搬上石块,没等少女完全打开瓶盖,里面突然喷出一股蓝烟,随即变成了一个个活生生的人。 她立刻认出那是她原来的仆人和臣民,更使她快乐的是,她竟见到了她的哥哥,他刚才把变成牛形的巫师杀死了。 自己便恢复了原形,正从林中走来。 就在这一天,少女也履行了她的承诺,嫁给了幸运的小裁缝。水晶棺材英文版:

  The glass coffin  Let no one ever say that a poor tailor cannot do great things and win high honors; all that is needed is that he should go to the right smithy, and what is of most consequence, that he should have good luck. A civil, adroit tailor's apprentice once went out travelling, and came into a great forest, and, as he did not know the way, he lost himself. Night fell, and nothing was left for him to do, but to seek a bed in this painful solitude. He might certainly have found a good bed on the soft moss, but the fear of wild beasts let him have no rest there, and at last he was forced to make up his mind to spend the night in a tree. He sought out a high oak, climbed up to the top of it, and thanked God that he had his goose with him, for otherwise the wind which blew over the top of the tree would have carried him away.

上一篇:格林童话故事第156篇:聪明的小伙计The wise servant下一篇:格林童话故事第158篇:懒鬼哈利和胖婆特琳娜Lazy Harry