正气歌 文天祥 翻译(3)



  Wen Tianxiang song justice.

  Heaven and earth have righteousness, those " Fu manifold. It is special, it is sunstar.

  To man, Hao Ran, Pei almost stuffed Cang ming. The road when the Qing Yi, ham and Tuming tribunal.

  When the poor Festival is seen, one one vertical pictures. In the history of Jane, in Jin Dong fox pen.

  In the Qin Dynasty Zhang Liangzhui, Han Su Wu festival. As a strict general head, stood for Ji in blood.

  Zhang Suiyang tooth, tongue for Yan Changshan. Or for the Liaodong hat, Qing Li and fuck.

  Or on a heroic, weep. Or for the oar, generous swallow Hu jie.

  Or hit the thief Wat, inverse vertical head rupture. Gas is boundless, keep vancomycin.

  When the sun and moon on foot on through, life and death. To keep the code set, Tianzhu 's statue.

  Three cardinal guides and actual life, moral as the root. Sigh I to meet Yang nine, which is really poor.

  Fly with the crown, pass a car to send the poor north. Cauldron of Gan like Yi, asks not to have.

  The real Yutian wildfire, a spring hospital closed dark. Niu Ji the same soap, chicken habitat Phoenix food.

  Once the mist lotion, into the ditch barren. And so again, 100 it self to retreat or recoil.

  Sigh is damp and low-lying land field, for my happiness country. Is there he Miao Qiao, yin and yang can't thief.

  In this bright, see white clouds. Yo my heart sad, heaven, have extremely.

  Zhe day has been far, codes of law in the past. The wind from the books read, road according to color.


  文天祥(1236——1282) 字宋瑞,二字履善,号文山,吉州庐陵(今江西吉安)人。理宗宝佑四年(1256)举进士第一。恭帝德佑元年(1275),元兵长驱东下,文于家乡起兵抗元。次年,临安被围,除右丞相兼枢密使,奉命往敌营议和,因坚决抗争被拘,后得以脱逃,转战于赣、闽、岭等地,兵败被俘,坚贞不屈,就义于大都(今北京)。能诗,前期受江湖派影响,诗风平庸,后期多表现爱国精神之作。存词不多,笔触有力,感情强烈,表现了作者威武不屈的英勇气概,震憾人心。有《文山先生全集》。




