

  反观这首《再别康桥》:全诗共七节,每节四行,每行两顿或三顿,不拘一格而又法度严谨,韵式上严守二、四押韵,抑扬顿挫,朗朗上口。这优美的节奏象涟漪般荡漾开来,既是虔诚的学子寻梦的跫音,又契合着诗人感情的潮起潮落,有一种独特的审美快感。七节诗错落有致地排列,韵律在其中徐行缓步地铺展,颇有些“长袍白面,郊寒岛瘦”的诗人气度。可以说,正体现了徐志摩的诗美主张。  【再别康桥英文版】

  Very quietly I take my leave

  As quietly as I came here;

  Quietly I wave good-bye

  To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

  The golden willows by the riverside

  Are young brides in the setting sun;

  Their reflections on the shimmering waves

  Always linger in the depth of my heart.

  The floating heart growing in the sludge

  Sways leisurely under the water;

  In the gentle wave of Cambridge

  I would be a water plant!

  That pool under the shade of elm trees

  Hold not water but the rainbow from the sky;

  Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds

  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?
