

  Their reflections on the shimmering waves

  Always linger in the depth of my heart.

  The floating heart growing the sludge

  Sways leisurely under the water;

  In the gentle waves of Cambridge

  I would be a water plant!

  That pool under the shade of elm trees

  Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;

  Shattered to pieces among the duck weeds

  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?

  To seek a dream?

  Just to pole a boat upstream

  To where the green grass is more verdant

  Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight

  And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.

  But I can’t sing aloud

  Quietness is my farewell music;

  Even summer insects heap silence for me

  Silent is Cambridge tonight!

  Very quietly I left

  As quietly as I came here;

  Gently I flick my sleeves

  Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away  名家点评


  章景曙:(徐志摩)和林徽因在康河相识相恋后,他期盼着能生活在一起,不料当他和张幼仪离婚后,林徽因却突然回国和梁思成结婚,一向有绅士风度的诗人,只能将往昔生活的甜蜜回忆,通过诗歌委婉而又含蓄地表达。之所以这么说,是因为诗中的很多地方都有暗示。比如“夕阳中的新娘”,这作为美好生活象征的新娘,就有林徽因的影子;寻梦中的“梦”,是指两人当年在康河感情交流的梦,向青草更青处漫溯则暗含了不浅的感情记忆,只能暗藏在心里,独自享受。  霍秀全:《再别康桥》就是徐志摩一生追求“爱,自有,美”的理想的具体反映。诗中理想主义的情感表白是分为两个层次的,一是对往昔剑桥留学生活的回忆,二是对当年爱情挫折的追述。

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