




  chicken feed 小额钱币,

  They’re only paying chicken feed for a very demanding job.

  chicken hearted/livered 怯懦的,

  Don’t be chicken hearted, have a go!

  chicken out 畏缩不前, He chickened out at last.

  don’t count one’s chickens (before they hatched) 不要蛋未孵先数鸡,

  Don’t count your chickens and buy that new outfit.

  no (spring) chicken (尤指女子)年龄不小了,

  She’s no chicken and shouldn’t be riding on the back of a motorbike.

  tender as a chicken 不坚强的,

  He’s as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work.


  milch cow 财源,

  Too much people regard the Social Security as a milch cow.

  scared cow 神圣不可侵犯的人、事,

  The Public School system is often seen to be the scared cow of the upper classes.

  till the cows come home 永远,

  You can wait till the cows come home.


  crocodile tear 鳄鱼的眼泪,

  I don’t know Nancy can shed crocodile tears about Philip’s accident.


  as the crow flies 沿直线,

  We’re only five miles from the coast as the crow flies.

  crow about/over 夸口,

  I’m tired of hearing her crow about winning the cup.

  crow’ feet 眼角皱纹,

  She’s developed a double chin and crow’ feet.


  call off the dogs 停止追踪,

  The police have decided to call off their dogs in their hunt for the missing diamonds.

  die like a dog 悲惨地死去,

  They died like dogs in the trenches.

  dirty dog 行为卑鄙龌龊的人,

  He isn’t s dirty dog.

  dog days 大热天,

  The summer are getting dog days always.

  dog eat dog 黑吃黑,

  You need a strong character to survive the dog eat dog of big business.

  dog fight 混战,

  It is a big advantage in a dog fight.

  (in the) dog house 挨骂,丢脸,

  I’ll be in the dog house when I get home late.

  dog in the manager 占马槽之狗,

  There’s no need to be dog in the manager and prevent from me to going.

  dog’s body 勤杂工,

  He wanted a general dog’s body to help out on the site.

  dog’s breakfast/dinner 一团糟,

  You’ve made a right dog’s dinner of painting that door.

  dog’s chance 极微小的机会,

  It hasn’t a dog’s chance of winning.

  dog tired 极度疲乏,

  I’m dog tired.

  don’t keep a dog and bark yourself 不要用了人还亲自操劳,

  Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself—your secretary should do all that filing.

  every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意日,

  It just goes to show that every dog has its day.

  gay dog 寻欢作乐的人,

  Graham is a bit of a gay dog with the women.

  give a dog a bad name 加人恶名,

  No wonder they say give a dog a bad name.

  go to the dog 垮台,

  Our local pub has gone to the dogs.

  hair of the dog (that bit you) 解宿醉的烈酒,

  He go over to the pub and have a hair of the dog.

  lead a dog’s life 过不安宁日子,

  His wife lead him a dog’s life with her incessant nagging.

  let sleeping dogs lie 不招惹麻烦,

  I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and changed the subject.

  let the dog see the rabbit 给参加者机会,

  It’s Tony’s go. Let the dog see the rabbit.

  lie doggo 隐藏,

  The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack.

  like a dog with two tails 欣喜若狂,

  The old lady was like a dog with two tails when her son came from America.

  lucky dog 幸运儿,

  Tom is a lucky dog.

  shaggy dog story 杂乱、故做滑稽的故事,

  He tolled a shaggy dog story about an actress.

  sly dog 狡猾的家伙,

  The sly dog never mentioned that he was dating a barmaid!

  tail wagging the dog 主次颠倒,

  It’s typical case of the tail wagging the dog.

  throw somebody to the dogs 丢掉,

  He want to throw them to the dogs.

  top dog  优胜者,

  He’s the top dog among formula one motor racing drivers.

  treat somebody worse than a dog 待某人如狗,

  Captain Bligh treated the crew like dogs.

  underdog 处于劣势的一方,

  He knew he was the underdog.

  work like a dog 苦干(很少报酬)

  I work like a dog all week.

  you can’t teach a old new tricks 你不能使年老守旧的人接受新事物,

  It’s seems you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

  (to be continued)


  dove of peace 和平的.象征,

  At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.


  eagle eye 目光锐利,

  He will be keeping an eagle eye on the party.


  slippery as an eel 琢磨不定的,

  This fellow is as slippery as an eel.


  don’t put all one’s eggs in one basket 不把蛋放在一个篮子里,

  That way you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

  egg-head 学问家, he is an egg head.

  egg somebody on 鼓励(某人做某事)

  The crowd egged him on to the finishing line.

  good egg 好人,

  Charles is a good egg.

  have egg on one’s face 丢脸,

  I do have egg on my face.

  kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵,

  We mustn’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

  sure as eggs is eggs 必定,

  You can be as sure as eggs is eggs that it will nit rain within the hour.

  tread on egg 如履薄冰,

  The reporter treaded on eggs when he asked the terrorist leader.


  memory like an elephant 极好的记忆力,

  She must have a memory like an elephant.

  pink elephant (吸毒、醉酒后的)幻觉,

  I am seeing pink elephant after drinking.

  rouge elephant 离群的凶猛野象,

  He regards him as rouge elephant.

  see the elephant 见世面,

  white elephant 沉重的包袱,累赘的珍品,

  The government spent rate payer’s money on a white elephant.
