


  移步换景: a different view with every step/take a step and the scenery will chang

  曲径通幽: a winding path leading to a secluded place

  诗情画意: poetic lyricism and picturesque concept

  金碧辉煌: in splendid colours

  阡陌纵横,鸡犬相闻,风和日丽,鸟语花香的一片新天地: a new land with crisscrossed fields, bright sunshine, gentle breeze, cocks crowing, dogs barking, birds singing and flowers blooming


  典雅大方: elegant and graceful

  香浓可口: aromatic character and agreeable taste

  软硬适中: neither too hard nor too soft

  大补无气: reinforce vital energy

  畅销全球: sell well all over the world

  花色繁多: a wide selection of colors and designs

  用料上乘: selected material

  甜而不腻: agreeable sweetness

  安心益气: make one feel at ease and energetic

  交货及时: timely delivery guaranteed

  品种迭出: New varieties are introduced one after anther.

  随意小酌: Light snakes are ready on request

  老少良伴: Good companies for children as well as for adults.

  旅游胜地: a tourist stand

  经验独特: Experience is out copyright.

  鲜花美人,倾诉衷肠: Flowers by beauty speak from the heart.

  随意挑选,保君满意: choose once and choose well

  体积虽小,颇具功效: compact impact

  一夫当关,万夫莫开: One warrior deployed in the pass makes thousands of burglars loose heart.

  三心二意,照样钓鱼: For all your double-mindedness, fishing goes on just the same.

  (操作)简单: It’s simple.

  用途广泛: It’s versatile.  (复印)迅速: It’s fast.

  图文清晰: It’s intelligent.

  功能齐全: It’s powerful.

  名副其实: It’s everything a copier philosophy should be.

  琳琅满目: a superb collection of beautiful things/wide choice.总之,不论是四字成语,还是非成语,应注意以下原则:

  1. 形象性原则。

  2. 简练性原则

  3. 不可滥用字面意义直译法

  4. 尽量少用意译法和直译法——注释法

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