

  This kind of influence is not like that of common genes or possession by a soul, but the influence of surroundings, the result of influence.


  Uncles and students, in the process of acceptance of knowledge, but also norms consciously written word to develop good habits, because "the power of example is endless."


  On the other hand, if you stay with some people for long time, they have influence on you and you will become the member of them by what you constantly see and hear.


  Uncles and a lot of loved ones, the love scenes respectively, a difference almost every soul must go through a boil war, do not want to cry tears of emotion to be slaves.


  Be honest I also had the same idea before I came to the Golden Paradise. But I have to say this is not true.


  we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

  当我的侄女放学回家后说“同性恋真恶心”时,我知道她这种憎恨是从一个同学那里学来的,而那个同学的憎恨,又是从家长那里耳濡目染而来。  When my niece returned from school saying, "Gays are disgusting! "I knew she learnt that hatred from a classmate, who had in turn absorbed that hatred from a parent.


  Most Chinese tourists in the first group emphasized the island's familiarity, as they have heard of the customs, food, vistas and even politics of Taiwan for years.


  Call it genes or osmosis, but at 17 he won his first track event, the national championships; it was also his first ever competitive race.
