


  2. Free talk

  3---5组同学,运用Section A所学知识,进行自由对话,其余同学认真听,并根据听的内容进行问答或转述。

  环节2 1a

  1. Learn the new words

  以旧引新,利用实物和图片教学新词汇 junk food , milk ,coffee , chip , cola, chocolate , drink

  2. Look and match

  Match the words with the pictures. Ss do by themselves , then check the answers .

  3.Read and write the new words .

  环节3 1b

  1. Presentation

  Show a picture of milk and ask the students

  T:Do you like milk ?

  Ss:Yes , I do .

  T:How often do you drink milk ?

  Ss:I drink it every day / morning / night/ twice a day 。。。

  当有学生说I never drink it 。 I don’t like it 。老师可以说 I want you to drink milk 。 It’s good for your health 。Drinking milk is good for our health 。

  板书 want sb. to do sth. 和 be good for

  2. Practice

  Read the conversation in 1b , understand the meaning of " want sb. to do sth. " and " be good for " , Let the students make sentences .

  Talk about the pictures in 1a in pairs .

  Make up their own conversations in pairs

  Show in pairs .

  环节4 2a


  ' Read the questions and the answers .

  2. Listen and circle .

  Firs t just listen , then listen and circle .


  环节5 2b

  1. Prepare

  Read the questions quickly . 目的是能抓住要听的主旨,便于快速准确地捕捉要听的信息。
