

  2.Listen and fill in the blanks

  First listen and write ,then listen and check .

  因为在2 中已经听两遍了,所以,这一环节可以边听边写,再听检查。要根据学生听的情况,适当调整听的速度。

  3.Listen and repeat , and then read by themselves.

  环节6 2c


  Imagine the teacher is a interviewer, one student is Katrina or Jim . Make a interview.

  2. Students work in pairs .

  3. Students show in pairs .

  4.Interview a student about his / her family , using " How often does your mother /father . . . ?

  The questions and the answers in 2c can help you .

  5. Ss work in a group of four .

  环节7 Writing

  1. Discuss the questions in groups.

  Why Katrina is healthy ?

  Is Bill healthy ? Why?

  How to keep healthy ?

  2. Write a passage

  3. Some students read their passages .

  设置这一环节的目的,是把听和说的训练落实到写上, 同时让同学们明白,只有养成良好的生活习惯 ,才能保持身体健康。

  环节8 Summary

  1. Ask the students to sum up the words and the sentences .

  2. Add: Drinking milk is good for our health .

  Eating too much junk food is bad for our heath.

  环节9 Homework

  1.Remember the words ,phrases and the sentences。


  课下采访你喜欢的老师, 记下他/她 的性格爱好, 起居时间,饮食习惯, 运动频率等。 写一篇70 词左右的短文。

  四。 板书设计

  板书是无声的语言,却是一堂课 重点知识的呈现,是课堂教学不可缺少的重要环节。板书要求安排合理,书写规范,突出实用性。我的板书设计是这样的:

  Unit1 How often do you exercise? Section B 1a----2c  junk food chocolate How often do you eat vegetables?

  milk drink Every day .

  coffee health My mother wants me to drink it .

  cola how many It' s good for your health .

  chip three or four times a day Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.
