《Hes a doctor》三年级英语上册教学设计(2)


  三、Play a game.

  T: Now, if you haven't any question. Let's play a game. Who wants to try ?Can to the front!

  T: I say and you will point to the pictures. Are you ready?

  S: Yes!

  T: Point to the××.

  再找两个同学上前表演,这次找同学来当老师,下指令。最后师做一评价:The boy is good. The girl is better. You are a very good teacher.

  四、 Activity.

  T: Look at your books. Activity2. Listen,point and say. You are going to hear different sounds. Let's have a guess: what is he?(Listen to the tape.)


  五、Act it out.

  T: Now close your books .Let's play a guessing game. Who wants to try? Come here!


  T: Who can tell me what is he? (Clever/Great/Well done)

  T: OK, let's practice in pairs, then change the role.

  找几个同学表演一下。( Well done! )

  T: Today I'm very happy. Are you happy? But it's time to say:" Goodbye!"


