

  Lesson 16

  1.Teaching Aims

  A: Let the students master the words and phrase :

  Music science sports painting computer game

  B: Let the students listen and read these drill:

  My friend likes ……

  2.Teaching Aids

  a tape recorder cards pictures

  3.Difficult words and emphasis

  4-skill letter and words:

  A: the drill: My friend likes ……

  B: the words: Music science sports painting

  4.Teaching steps

  1) Organization

  A. Greetings

  B: Songs: How many books do you have?

  2) Revision

  Review the new words that they’ve learned yesterday.


  A: learn the new words: Music science sports

  B: Ask a student to come to the front to read all the words, and the others after him or her.


  A: Listen to the tape, imitate and practice the sentences: My friend likes sports / music / ……

  B: Read and spell the words.

  5)Let’s do

  Listen to the music. Do sports. Paint.

  Make friends. Play computer games.

  5. Class work

  A: Listen and read the new words and drill.

  B: Recite “Let’s do”.

  1. Notes

  Lesson 17

  1. Teaching Aims

  A: Listen and say the dialogue

  B: Act a short dialogue

  2. Teaching Aids

  a tape- recorder photos of my friends

  3. Difficulty and keys

  Boy or girl? She is quiet. She likes music.

  He is strong. He likes sports.


  1) Organization

  Say "Hello" to everyone, and then sing the song “ Books and pencils” with the students clapping hands together.

  2) Revision.

  A: Review the following words:

  Music science sports painting computer game  My friend likes ……

  B: Guessing game:

  She has a small nose and a big mouth.

  She likes music. Who’s she?

  3) Learn the dialogue

  Open the books and let the students try to guess the meaning of the whole dialogue. Listen to the tape and imitate. Then practice the difficult sentences:

  I have a friend. Boy or girl? She is quiet.

  She likes
