


  篇一:《Earth is a dialogue》说课稿

  一、Analyzing teaching material

  1. lesson type

  2. status and function

  Lesson 33 Savingthe Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems ofthe earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful toimprove the Ss communicative/ reading ability.

  3.teaching guideline

  (Teachingsyllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay specialemphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills:develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the westernculture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve theproblems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom-up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)

  4.  Teaching aims and demands

  1) knowledge objects

  a. Enable the Ssto remember the following new words & phrases:

  Damage, lecture,pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into

  b. Get the Ss tobe familiar with this sentence pattern:

  If the populationkeeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left…

  Give the Ss areinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.

  c. Activate Ssschemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about theproblem of pollution.

  2) ability objects

  a. Ask the Ss tomake up a similar dialogue.

  b. Help them tounderstand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.

  c. Develop theirability of thinking independently.

  d. Cultivate theirability to discover, analyze and solve problems.

  e. Train them tocollect information from the Internet.

  f. Train them withsome effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results.

  3)德育目标 moral objects

  a. Arouse theirinterest in learning English;

  b. Help them tounderstand the background of pollution.

  c. Enable thestudents to love our earth and the nature.

  d. Be aware of theimportance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.

  e. Encourage theSs to do something to save the earth.

  5. teaching important points

  a. New words andphrases

  b. Sentencepattern: If- clause

  c. improve theirreading skills.

  d. Talking aboutproblems of the Earth.

  6. teaching difficult points

  a. functionalitem: Supposition.

  b. Develop theircommunicative ability. Act out their own dialogue.

  7.  teaching aids

  The teachingsyllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modernteaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase theclass density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach abetter understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting.At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest inlearning English.

二、Teaching methods

  Five step method;audio-video; communicative approach;

  Task-basedlearning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method.TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop theirability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class whilethe teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into fullplay.

三、Study methods

  1. Teach Ss how tobe successful language learners.

  2. Teach Ss how todevelop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate withothers; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;

  3. Get the Ss toform good learning habits.

 四、Teaching procedures

  I. 复习 (Revision) 5min 

  Activity 1:Imagination

  1). Suppose a bottleof ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Washit? Or throw it away?)

  2). Suppose youcatch a bad cold, what’s to be done?

  3). Suppose yourbike is broken, what’s to be done?

  4). And supposethe earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done?

  * What can youthink of when you see “pollution” thisword?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate... Try toactivate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)

  II. 呈现 (Presentation) 

  Activity 2:Presentation

  Play the song “EarthSong” sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)

  A lot of picturesand video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned inthis lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.

  Ss’presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, andcreate a good atmosphere for communication.

  * Activate theirschemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from theInternet and develop their ability in thinking independently.

  III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialogue)

  1. Pre- reading

  Activity 3:Prediction

  1st listening/fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea:

  What do you thinkis discussed at the conference?

  2. While- reading

  Activity 4: Read andanswer

  2nd listening/careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their readingskills: skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress &intonation.

  3. Post- reading

  Activity 5:Language focus

  While Ss areanswering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.

  a. is being causedb. and so on c. go on doing

  d. be fit for e.standing room f. if- clause

  IV. 操练 (Practice) 

  Activity 6: Retell

  Use your own wordsto retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.

  Activity 7: Actingout

  Activity 8: Drill –Supposition

  Purpose: Practisethe functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3)

  (Retell; act out;role play)

  V. 巩固 (Consolidation)

  (Discussion;interview; press conference; debate; quiz)

  Activity 9: roleplay

  Suppose you werehead of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversationand ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.

  * The Ss areencouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fitfor, turn into, the if- clause, etc.

  Activity 10:Discussion

  Think of thequestion: Are we causing damage to the world?

  What should we doto save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?

  Collect their answersand form a report.

  VI. Homework

  Write a letter tothe mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.
