英语的说课稿:《What’s he like》


英语的说课稿精选:《What’s he like》

  Good morning, my dear judges, I am the second competitor. It’s a great honor for me to be here to share my teaching design with you. My presentation consists of the following parts: the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of students, teaching procedures and so on.

  The analysis of teaching material

  Firstly, I’d like to talk something about the analysis of teaching mateiral. This book is from Unit 1 of PEP primary English book. and the main topic is some adjectives and sentence structures to describe a person. Through learning this unit, students will be able to use these words and sentence structures to talk about people in their daily life.

  The analysis of students

  Secondly, I will analyse my students. Students in grade 3 have just learnt some basic English knowledge, but it’s still quite difficult for them to use the sentence structure in daily life. So I will mainly use Communicative Approach and Situational Approach to help them learn better.

  The analysis of teaching aims

  According to New Crriculum Standard, I set three teaching aims. The first one is knowledge aim: students will be able to read and write some adjectives like polite, shy, helpful, clever.... The sencond one is ability aim: through coorperation and discussion, students can use the words and structures to describe other people smoothly and fluently. The last one is emotional aim: Ss can be interested in learning English by doing different activities.

  The analysis of teaching key &difficult point

  Based on the analysis of teaching material, students and the teaching aims, my teaching key and difficult points are as follows. The teaching key point is that Ss can read and write the new words and sentence structures in this lesson. The teaching difficult point is that Ss are able to use these words and sentence structures to describe a person in their daily life.

  The analysis of teaching methods

  To overcome teaching key and difficult point, I will mainly use Communicative Approach and Situational teaching method.

  The analysis of teaching procedures

  Now, let’s focous on the most important part of my teaching design, that is the teaching procedures. It inclouds four parts, warming-up, presentation, consolidation, summary&homework.


  After the daily greeting, I will ask my students to do some actions to cheer us up. In this way, I can creat a active learning surrounding for my students and let them learn happily.


  In this step, I will use five pictures to introduce the new words to my students. In these five pictures, there are five different people, students are asked to describe each person and from their description, I can get the new words easily, they are “polite, helpful, clever...” And after the introduction, I will play a game named “finger game” with them. The reason why I do this is to help students be familiar with the topic and understand the new words and phrases in the listenning material, so as to sweep the listenning obstacle. Then I will play the tape for three times. Before I play the tape for the first time, I will ask my sstudents what’s it about. And after they finish the listenning, I will ask some students to tell me the answer, they may get part of the information and I will combine their answers and get the main idea. And then I will play the tape for the sencond time, before they listen to it, I will ask them to get some details according to the structure given “what’s Wu Yifan like” after their listenning, I will ask someone to tell me the answer and I will get the “He’s hard-working”. After they totally understood the listenning material, they are asked to listen to the tape for the third time, and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation of the speaker. If possible, they can also imitate it. By listenning to the conversation for three times, students will master every little details in it .


  In this tage,I will play a game named Apple game with my Ss: I will show an apple tree covered with many apples on the PPT, and on each apple, there is a word. Then I will ask students to read these words, the more they pronounce, the more apples they will get. At last, who gets the most apples will be awarded a smiling face. After doing this, they

  Next, I will play another game with my Ss named Point and Say: Students are asked to show their own photos and describe their appearance using the new words and sentences.In this way, what we have learnt in this class will be consolidated.

  Step4: Summary&Homework

  At the end of the class, I will guide students to summarize what we have learnt today. And give them today’s homework: they should draw a picture about their favorite cartoon character and try to describe him or her next class.

  The analysis of blackboard design

  Lastly, I will put forward the analysis of blachboard design, my blackboard design inclouds three parts, topic , key words and key sentence structures. You can see very clearly what we have learnt today.

  That’s all for my presentation, thanks for your listenning.

【英语的说课稿精选:《What’s he like》】相关文章:

1.《 What does he look like?》教学反思

2.Unit 1 what’s he like?五年级英语教学设计

3.《 What do you like》说课稿

4.《What would you like》说课稿

5.《Unit 2 He’s cool》英语说课稿

6.七年级英语《What does he look like》教学设计

7.《What’s the matter?》的说课稿

8.What does he look like单元测试题及答案

上一篇:《What’s this in English》教案设计反思下一篇:医院骨科医生个人实习报告范文