



  1.教材的地位与作用:本节课出自人民教育出版社新目标英语八年级下册Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?.本单元在本册教材中处于教学的中期地位,起到承上启下的作用,重点培养学生的英语口语能力,并结合生活实际常用的话题展开基本语言内容的教学。本单元通过学习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,进一步提高学生素质。本节课是本单元的第一课时,主要针对基本的语言内容教学与训练。由于整个单元都是围绕一个话题操练,所以学好本节课,可以为以后的课时的学习扫清语言的障碍。





二。 说教法

  1."Teach English in English": 即新课标倡导的"用英语教英语",尽量用英语教学,创造英语课堂良好的听的环境,让学生充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践,把握用英语交际的机会,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。






  1. 学会预习:发挥学生的主观能动性,变被动学习为主动学习,带着问题有目的地听课,可以更好地把握课堂的重点和难点,提高课堂效率。









  Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

  Section A 1 (1a – 2d)

  Step 1 Presentation

  square n. 平方 meter n. 米 deep adj. 深的

  desert n. 沙漠 population n. 人口 population n. 人口

  Asia n. 亚洲 tour v. n. 旅行 tourist n. 旅行者

  wall n. 墙 amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的

  ancient adj. 古代的 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔和 Step 2 Warming-up

  1. Watch the photos and talk about them "How big/high/long/big is …?’ and help the students to answer: It’s …meters/kilometers/cm big/high/long/big.

  2. Look these photos and practice the dialogue:

  e.g. A: How high is Qomolangma?

  B: It’s 8,844 meters high.

  Step 3 1a Match the facts you know.

  Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.

  Step 4 Explaination

  …8,844 meters high. 8,844米高

  … meters high (long, wide…)



  e.g. The wall is 1.7 metres wide.

  Step 5 Listening

  1. 1b Listen and complete the sentences.

  1) Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain in the world.

  2) The Sahara is ____________ desert in the world.

  3) The Caspian Sea is ____________ of all the salt lakes.

  4) The Nile is _________ river in the world.

  1c Use the information in 1b to make conversations

  A: What is the highest mountain in the world?

  B: Qomolangma

  2. 2a Listen and number the facts(1- 4) in the order you hear them.

  2b Listen again and fill in the blanks in 2a with the numbers in the box.

  6,300 5,000 5,464 300

  ___ The Yangtze River is about ____ kilometers long and the Yellow River is ___ kilometers long.

  ___ China has the biggest population in the world. It’s a lot bigger than the population of the US.

  ___ China is over ___ years old. It has a much longer history than the US. The US is not even ___ years old.

  ___ China is almost as big as the US, but it is the biggest country in Asia.

  Step 6 Practice

  1c Make conversations in pairs.


  A: Did you know that China if one of the oldest countries in the world? B: Yes, I did. It’s much older than my country.

  Step 7 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions:

  1) Which is the biggest man-made objects in the world?

  2) Which is the most famous part of the Ming Great Wall?

  Step 8 Language points and summary

  1. Fell free to ask me anything on today’s Great Wall tour.


  fell free是英语口语中一个常用表达。若有人让你feel free to do something, 就是让你无需拘束,只管按照自己的意愿去做某事。

  e.g. A: Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的卫生间吗?

  B: Yes, feel free. 可以,请随意。

  2. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.


  as far as I know是一个固定的表达方式,还可以说so far as I know, 意思是"据我所知".

  e.g. As far as I know, Jack’s got twin sisters.


  They’re not coming today, so far as I know.

  他们今天不来了– 就我所知是这样的。

  Step 9 Homework

  A: To memorize the important phrases and sentences.

  B: to make some dialogues about asking the size of objects.
