





五.说教学过程:根据英语五步教学法“组织课堂——复习——导入新课——讲授新知识——操练巩固”来开展教学,通过小组竞猜复习学过的关于职业的词汇,多媒体展示图片学习关于职业的新单词,通过联系实际介绍自己的个人成长计划,导入新用法What are you going to be when you grow up? 进一步谈论How are you going to do that? 引导学生用be going to 谈论将来的计划,并通过听力训练、做调查、小组竞赛等形式进行操练,使学生更快更好地识记,巩固所学知识,提高灵活运用能力。


  Unit 10 I am going to be a basketball player.

  Name What is he/she going to do when he/she grows up?

  How is he/she going to do that?

  Unit10 Section A Period1(Go for it 2A)教案

  1. 课题:I’m going to be a basketball player.

  2. 主题: 人生目标。

  3. 功能: 谈论将来计划。

  4. 教学目标:

  (1).知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ….本课主要句型:What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.

  语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。



  (4).教学重、难点:重点是掌握本课 computer programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional等重点词汇以及What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math hard.等重点句型和语法:用be going to表示一般将来时。

  难点是一般将来时be going to 中be 的具体形式和后面接动词原形的用法, 而学生根据自己喜欢的职业,运用所学知识谈论自己打算怎样做实现目标则既是难点,又是能力训练点。

  5. 教具:电脑多媒体、谜语卡片、录音机等。


  Step1 Organization and duty report

  Step2 Revision

  1.   Revise the words about jobs by playing a guessing game.

  2.   Ask students to say jobs we’ve learned.

  通过猜谜的形式复习旧单词, 调动学生的学习积极性。

  Step3 Presentation

  1. Teach new words and expressions by showing the pictures.


  2. Present What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?

  3. Ask What’s heshe going to be when heshe grows up? How’s heshe going to do that?


  Step4 Listening

  Listen and match the items in 1b,then listen and repeat.


  Step5 Practice

  Ask the students to make an investigation about their future plans in groups of four.


  Step6 Sum up

  In this class we learn to use “be going to” to describe future plans.


  Step7 Homework

  Read the four conversations in 1b, recite one of them.

  Make their own conversation in pairs, write it on the exercise books.

