pick up同义词(3)


  11. pick up有“营救;抢救”之意?例如:

  Survivors of the shipwreck were picked up by small boats. 失事船上的幸存者被几艘小船救了上来?

  Although the fire spread through the hospital very quickly, the firemen were able to pick up all the patients. 大火在这家医院里迅速蔓延开来,但消防队员们却地把所有的病人都救了出来?

  12. pick up也有“逮住;抓住”之意?例如:

  The fleeing culprit was picked up within twenty-four hours. 那名逃犯在二十四小时之内就被抓获了?

  The thief was picked up stealing and was taken to the police station. 那个盗贼在作案时被抓住,并被带到了警察局?

  13. pick up也有“闻有(味道);嗅出(气味)”的意思?例如:

  While reading, she suddenly picked up something burning. 她在看书时,突然闻到有什么东西烧着了?

  The hound picked up the fox’s smell and started to chase after it. 猎犬嗅出了狐狸的气味,便开始跟踪追赶?

  14. pick up还有“(天气)变晴;(产量)上升;(速度)加快”之意?例如:

  It looks as though the weather may pick up very soon. 看来天气很快就要变晴了?

  The output picked up again in the following year. 第二年产量又上去了?

  About two kilometres out of the station, the train began to pick up speed. 驶出车站大约两公里之后,火车便开始加快速度?

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