

第三篇:《新人教高考英语阶段仿真检测必修2 A卷[解析版]》

  阶段仿真检测 必修二 A卷

  【说明】 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试


  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共115分)




  (Text 1)

  M: What can I do for you, madam?

  W:I'd like to have a look at books on science. I want to buy some.

  1.Where are the two speakers talking?

  A.In a shop.

  B.In a bookstore.

  C.In a library.


  (Text 2)

  W:I am hoping to get some bread from the shop before it closes.

  M:My watch says 6∶50, so we have around 40 minutes left to get there.

  2.When does the shop close?

  A.At 7∶30.

  B.At 6∶30.

  C.At 7∶00.


  (Text 3

  W:Excuse me, would you mind if I used your phone?

  M:Help yourself; it is on the table over there.

  3.What does the man tell the woman to do?

  A.Help herself to some food.

  B.Use the phone on the table.

  C.Bring some food to the table.


  (Text 4)

  M: Do you have to leave already? It's only nine o'clock.

  W:I'm sorry, but I must. My parents are expecting me.

  4.What does the woman mean?

  A.She can stay a little longer.

  B.She must go home now.

  C.Her parents like her very much.


  (Text 5)

  W: Excuse me, does it say $4.5 for the bananas?

  M:Oh, no. You bought no more than 4 pounds. The bananas were a dollar five per


  5.How much should the woman pay for the bananas?








  (Text 6)

  M:Helen, what do you think of this advertisement in today's newspaper?

  W:Didn't I tell you? It was also in last week's newspaper. I saw it there and so I

  inquired by letter. I had a phone call today from the company and I've got an interview tomorrow.

  M:That's exciting. Do you think you've got the job?

  W:Well, they seemed very eager on the phone. I do think that they'll probably offer me

  the job.

  M:So, you're going to California?

  W:I didn't say that.I may be offered the job, but I won't take the job unless they agree

  to pay for my return ticket.It would be hard work looking after two boys and three girls, so I want a proper salary, too. Even though living in California would probably be great fun.

  6.What is the job that the woman applied for?

  A.To serve in a phone company.

  B.To work for a newspaper.

  C.To look after children.


  7.On what conditions would the woman accept the job?

  A.The return ticket is paid and the salary is good.

  B.She could be free to go shopping.

  C.The work is fun.


  8.How did the woman contact the company?

  A.Through a newspaper.

  B.Over the phone.

  C.By a letter.



  (Text 7)

  W:You know, Larry. We've got a new manager in our department.

  M:Oh?You hoped to get the job, didn't you?

  W:Yes, I did.

  M:I'm sorry.That's too bad. Who is it? Who got the job, I mean?

  W:Someone called Drexel, Carl Drexel. He's been with the company only two years.

  I've been here longer. And I know more about the job, too.

  M:Hmm.Why do you think they gave it to him and not you?

  W:Because I'm the wrong sex, of course!

  M:You mean you didn't get the job because you're a woman?


  M:What sorts of clothes does he wear?

  W:A dark suit, white shirt, and a tie. Why?

  M:Listen, Sylvia. Perhaps that had something to do with it.

  W:You mean you think I didn't get the job because I come to work in jeans and a


  M:It's possible, isn't it?

  W:Do you really think I should wear a skirt or a dress?

  M:I'm not saying you should. I'm saying you should think about it.That's all! W:Why should I do that? I'm good at my job! That's the only important thing.

  M:Hmm. Perhaps it should be the only important thing. But it isn't. Not in this


  9.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Boss and employee.


  C.Teacher and student.


  10.What clothes does the woman usually wear at work?

  A.A dark suit and a white shirt.

  B.Jeans and a sweater.

  C.A skirt or a dress.


  11.What's the woman complaining about?

  A.Her boss is unfair.

  B.The man is not listening to her carefully.

  C.Another woman in the company has taken the job that was supposed to have been given to her.



  (Text 8)

  M:Hi,Lily,where are you going this weekend?

  W:Hi, Tiger.I'm going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to come,too? M:Yeah, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?

  W:We were thinking about driving north to the Big Beach. I like to watch the sea birds

  and wildlife there.

  M:That sounds great! When do you plan to leave?

  W:Well, I think it's at about 4∶00 p.m. on Friday.

  M:Do you have space for me in one of the cars?

  W:Sure, we'll fit you into a car.

  M:Great! Where should we meet?

  W:Meet on Friday in front of my house.

  M:OK, I'll see you then. Bye.

  12.What is the main topic of the conversation?


  B.Sea birds.

  C.A trip.


  13.Why does the woman like going to the beach?

  A.Because she wants to sit in the sun.

  B.Because she is fond of watching the waves.

  C.Because she enjoys watching sea birds and wildlife there.


  14.When do they plan to meet?


  B.One year later.




  (Text 9)

  M: Let's go and get a Coke.

  W:How many Cokes have you had today?

  M:This is my third, I have 3 or 4 Cokes every day. I really like Cokes.

  W:You should really try to cut down some.

  M:Why? I love it, Okay. I admit it. I'm crazy about Cokes.

  W:But the amount of sugar in Coke can't be good for you.

  M:Oh, I know. But I just can't stop. I've had this habit for years.


  e you ever tried to cut down?

  M:Actually I have. But if I go a day without a Coke, my body gets weak and I feel


  W:It sounds like you've really got a problem.Have you ever gone to see a doctor or tried

  to get help?

  M:No. I've never thought about it. But I just haven't got the time.

  W:What are you going to do after work? I'll take you to a place that may help you. M:You sure seem to know a lot about how to give up bad habits.









