

  4. He seemed to see the fat Kentish fields with their stately elms. 他仿佛看见了那肥沃的长着挺拔榆树的肯特郡的田野。

  5. What softness and furry thickness of the tall pines about the shore! 两岸挺拔的松树多么柔和,多么浓密!

  6. Amid the growingshade of duskstandsturdypines. 在把黄昏越来越暗的阴影之中耸立着一些挺拔的松树.

  7. The tall, dark, spear pines sentineled the shores on eitherside. 两岸排着一行行挺拔的, 黑黑的, 剑戟似的松树.

  8. Helookshandsomeandupright in a worstedcoat. 他穿着将校呢制的大衣,很是英俊挺拔.

  9. Modernwarm - bloodedanimalstend to havemoreerectedposturesthan cold - blooded animals . 现代的温血动物通常比 冷血动物 拥有更为挺拔的身躯.

  10. Mother, Motherin the candlelight, your not straighful any longer. 妈妈, 烛光里的妈妈, 您的腰身显得不再挺拔.

  11. Oldchap! You are still as straight as an arrow. 老伙计! 你身子骨还如此挺拔啊!

  12. Itisso and straight, sothick, sohigh. 它是那么挺拔, 那么粗壮, 那么的高.

  13. Two tall and straight poplarsstand in front of the gate. 门前有两棵挺拔的白杨.

  14. There are threetallgoldenpines in the garden. 公园里种了三棵挺拔的金松.

  15. Shesawhimglanceoverherslimanderectcarriage. 她看到他快速朝她苗条而挺拔的身姿瞥了一眼.

  16. The scholar has expanseforehead, grayhairs, straightnose and sparkingeyes. 画中人前额宽阔, 头发花白, 鼻子挺拔,双眼有神.

  17. Ieulogize the tallandstraighttrunk of the whitepoplar. 我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干.

  18. Youcansee the distant, tallTVtowerfromhere. 从这里就可以看到远处挺拔高耸的电视塔.

  19. Staightnessandmorbidezza are finalizedhere.挺拔,抑或柔美,皆在此完美定格.  20. Fivepinnaclesstandtall and magnificent.五座石峰雄伟挺拔.
