


  Once upon a time, there lived a very strong in the mountain forests of the devil, eat a chicken every day, every two days to eat a sheep, every three days to eat a cow, and a little unhappy, pull the tree destroyed houses and people around the stockade now dare to anger can't speak.

  A brave ant was determined to exhale for the people. He found the devil and said carefully, "you are very powerful, but not necessarily my opponent! Don't believe us make a bet!

  Little ants dare to challenge themselves! Ha ha, the demon guffaw a sound, say: "bet bet, bet what you say!"

  The little ant said, "I asked you to step on me with your foot. If you don't kill me, you will leave the mountain forest. If I die, I won't have to pay you.

  The demon listen to think ridiculous, thought: I can knock down a big tree, one foot kick to turn over a house, a fist smashing an elephant, how can not overcome a small ant? Just say yes.

  The next day, the gambling game officially began, the animals in the mountain forest and people all came to see the lively, all for the little ant pinched a sweat.

  The demon held out a huge paw, grabbed the little ant and slammed into the ground. The little ant was not only safe, but he continued to climb on the ground happily.

  The devil was angry, and he raised his hairy feet and stepped on the little ant. He stepped on it, two or three, and stepped on more than 100. The demon thought that the little ant must be dead, and looked down, and found the little ant crawling out of his broad feet.

  The little ant won, and the devil left the mountain obediently.


  In the morning, the little animals played in the forest lawn, with ponies, hedgehogs, puppies, chickens, and calves, playing hide-and-seek.

  The calf hid behind the tree, the chicken hid in the tree, the dog crouched behind the stone, and the hedgehog hid in the grass. Now, it's the pony's turn. Little ma east look for, the west to look for, yi, the little friends all hide where to go? Suddenly, the pony saw a tiger in the distance, and it was coming this way quietly. The little horse quickly shouted everyone out, the friends frightened, the chicken said: "tiger come, everybody run!" When he heard this, all of us were going to run, and at that moment the colt came forward and said, "if we run this time, the next tiger will come, and we'll beat it... I'll be the bait... Let's do it this way -- "the colt told his friends about his plan.

  When the tiger came, he saw the ponies eating the grass leisurely, thinking: it seems that my plan to sneak attack will be successful! Then he lifted the tiger's paw and patted the ponies, while the colt leaped with dexterity, and the tiger jumped into the air. The tiger was very angry and went straight to the pony, and he ran to the back of the tree. Then the calf jumped out and turned the tiger upside down with its horns. The little horse turned round to give the tiger a hoof, the tiger one hatchet, the claw again was stabbed a hedgehog, the chicken jumped down from the tree, hard to catch the tiger's eyes. The little dog snapped at the tiger's tail while the tiger was crying.

  Together, they attacked the tiger. The tiger was so hurt that he ran away. Then there was a blind tiger in the forest, whose tail was only half left.


  There is a country mouse and a city mouse made good friends. One day the city mouse went to the country mouse and said, "Goodafternoon, nicetomeetyou." "What? What did you say? 'asked the country mouse in surprise. "Ha-ha, I just learned an English spoken word, meaning: good afternoon, good to see you." "Said the city mouse triumphantly. The country mouse said, "I haven't learned English yet. My family has cereal, beans, sweet potato to treat you, also is my hometown's native produce, is the green food, please feel free to use." The two mice ate and talked, and soon ate up all the food on the table. The city mouse went on, "I invite you to go to town to eat a lot of delicious food."

  The next day, the country mouse went to the city mouse's house. "Ah! What a big house! What a beautiful piano! Good food: bread, cheese and steak are things I haven't seen before. "Come, make yourself at home, help yourself! Said the city mouse. "You look at yourself, you have a big belly, fat and fat, are you eating these foods? Haha, but I can eat a big meal." 'said the country mouse. "I'll play the piano for you! Said the city mouse. "It's good to live in the city. You can learn English and play the piano." 'said the country mouse. "You still don't know the trouble in the city. You can learn English early, play the piano in the afternoon, play ball at night, and fill up all the places on Monday and Sunday. "Replied the city mouse helplessly. Then the country mouse said, "we have no one to teach." "Our homework teacher arranges, the parents help, some also requests the tutor, the request is strict." The country mouse replied at once, "I'll go back to the quiet country and eat my oats, beans, and sweet potatoes, and live a leisurely life."

  The story tells us that life in the country and in the city has its own good, and no one needs to envy anyone.
