





  1.elder 与elderly

  两者都为“年老的”,但有细微的差别。 elderly 指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,因此,这词常用来代替 old。如:an elderly gentleman. 一位年长的绅士。elder指年龄稍长者,适用于家庭的兄弟姐妹之间。如: Tom is the elder of the two. 汤姆是两个孩子中较大的一个。

  2.precious 和 expensive

  expensive 表示“昂贵的”。如:The drink was cheap , but the food was very expensive . 饮料很便宜,但食物很贵。 precious 表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”。如:The children are precious to me . 孩子们对我来说很重要。

  3.regret to do 和 regret doing

  regret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing 动作发生在regret 之前。如:I regretted missing the train. 我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。 regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。如:I regret to tell you that we can't stay here any longer. 我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。

  4.day by day 和 day after day

  两词组意思很近,但有区别:day by day 只用作状语,表示“一天天地”, 有逐渐转变的意思。如:Day by day she seems to grow a little taller.她似乎一天天地长高了。 day after day 可作主语,宾语等,亦可作状语,表示“一天又一天”,强调动作的重复,表示时间的长久。如: We do the same work day after day. 每天我们做着同样的事情。/ Day after day went by , and I still don't receive her letter. 一天天过去了,我还是没有收到她的来信。

  5.damp 与 wet

  两者都表示“潮湿的”,但有细微差别。wet 指曾浸泡在液体中或布满了液体的东西,或指多雨的天气。如: It's a wet day. 今天是一个雨天。/ wet clothes 湿衣服。 damp 指未湿透但潮湿的东西。 The damp in the air makes me uncomfortable. 潮湿的空气使我感到不舒服。

  6.hunger 与 starvation

  两词都表“饥饿”。 hunger 指人对食物的迫切要求,是一种正常的生理现象。如: Hunger is the best sauce. 肚子饿了吃什么都香。而 starvation 指长时间缺乏食物引起痛苦,与 hunger 相比是不正常的生理现象,而是人为的灾难。如: The old man died of starvation. 那个老人活活饿死了。





  Employers are more likely to hire people they fancy, researchers claim, as they find "leisure pursuits, background and self-presentation" are more important than skills。

  Women in the workplace have fought a long battle to prove their skills, experience and CV are the only keys to their success。

  But their efforts may have been in vain, as a study find good looks, a winning smile and a little gentle flirtation may be the key to securing a job after all。

  Bosses would rather hire someone they find attractive and enjoy spending time with than the perfectly-qualified candidate, it has been claimed。

  They would rather employ someone “who will be their friend or maybe even their romantic partner”, with whom they feel a “spark”, researchers have suggested。

  A study, conducted by American sociologists, has found interviewers at banking, law and management consultancy firms consistently prefer applicants they “feel good around”。

  More than half of employers claim attractiveness, the right social background and how candidates spend their leisure time are the most important considerations when hiring, it is claimed。

  Dr Lauren Rivera, from Northwestern University in the United States, found interviewers often put their personal feelings of comfort, acceptance and excitement first。

  Half of those studied ranked “cultural fit” as the most important criterion at job interview stage, meaning they were more likely to hire someone with the same “leisure pursuits, background and self-presentation” as current staff。

  "Of course employers are looking for people who have the baseline of skills to effectively do the job,” she said。

  "But, beyond that, employers really want people who they will bond with, who they will feel good around, who will be their friend and maybe even their romantic partner。

  “As a result, employers don't necessarily hire the most skilled candidates."

  The study, based on 120 interviews and published in the American Sociological Review, is the first investigation of its kind into whether shared culture between employers and job candidates matters。







上一篇:高中英语词语辨析:aim、purpose、object下一篇:“全神贯注”与“聚精会神” - 词语分析