



  Firstly, when Charles was 5, his little brother drowned in their mother’s backyard laundry tub in spite of Ray’s frantic efforts to save him. Secondly, Charles’ eyes began to mysteriously fail him. By the age of 7, Charles was blind. After that, he lost his beloved mother.

  这一段的问题非常明显,作者应该讲述一个故事,描述发生在Ray Charles身上的各种不幸,而不是一条一条的按顺序列举出他面临的困难,从而破坏了文章的连贯性(cohesion)。



  “However” is always being seen. Sometimes the theorem testified to be quite true can be a paradox when scrutinized from a different angle.

  这篇作文是论证Is there always another explanation or another point of view?这个题目。可以看出,“theorem”,“paradox”,“scrutinize”等用词实际上使这个句子显得别扭而拗口。

  Change the glasses in front of your eyes and the world can be different.

  “Glass in front of your eyes”出现在这里有些突然。

  It makes people’s cognizance more objective and triggers a comprehensive realization.


  Individual is a main factor.

  这是 Can a small group of concerned individuals have a significant impact on the world?这篇作文的开头段中的一个句子。很明显,individual究竟是什么的重要因素,在这里没有明确的指明,因而很突兀,而且空泛。  错误七:连用小短句


  My family used to live in a village, but my parents went to urban to work and I to study. It was a long distance, so we had to spend an average of 3.5 hours in our car everyday. We had to get up early to set out and return home late at night.


  Liu Xiang is a famous runner in China. We have also seen him as the pride of China until recently. Back then in 2004 Olympics, Liu Xiang astonished the world by getting the first place, Chinese were so excited.

  这个句群里一共有四个句子,交代了Liu Xiang的身份,荣誉,获奖,中国人的反映等,实际上完全可以再简练些,合并为两个到三个长句。
