

  大象是陆地上最大的动物。它生下来体重约90公斤,身高约1米。到12岁时,象就不再长了,身高3米多。大象通常是灰色的,有长鼻子,大大的象牙从嘴的两侧伸出。大象通常喜欢集体行动,彼此之间相互照顾。众所周知大象是性情温和的动物。很多年来,人们利用大象拖木,举圆木。大象一直是人们做许多事物的重要工具,特别是一些人力不能做的事情。大象过去一直是、将来也会是人们接触过的最大的一种动物。它的庞大、美丽和力量将永远对人类有益。  关于大象的英语作文3

  The Elephant lives in the forests of southeast Asia . It is langer and langer . It has a long nose . It move in groups . It feed on eat grass , leaves and fruit . And it like drinking milk and water . But the water is getting small and small . Now , In the end live to be about 60 years old . However , the eleplant is in danger . Frist ,the people cut down forests are getting smaller and smaller . Then , people killing them for their ivories . We should protect the animals .

