



  I have a small white rabbit at my house. Its hair is white and snowy, it looks like a bunch of white cotton. The eyes were beautiful, like two rubies on a snow-white face. The ears are long and erect. Its front legs are short and small, and their hind legs are fat and strong, so they can only jump and not run. The tail is so small that he can hardly see it. He stands like a human when eating.


  I remember once I pulled out from the yard of a carrot, it jumped up and down and get in front of me, while I do not pay attention to take away the mud to radish. I am not willing to let it eat unclean things, this time as usual, we made a fierce struggle, of course I will win, and when I wash the radish put in front of it, it is thought that I give up, will proudly eat the radish.


  My little white rabbit is so cute!
