




  There is a puppy in my house. It is a long a pair of round two eyes, mouth, nose and a flexible small. Its hair is white, especially the belly, just like a puppy wearing a snow-white dress. I like it very much.


  It was the first walk Leonardo chest, also still, like a soldier full of grace. He always uses his hind legs to lean against a tree, his head bowed, as if he were very shy. When he had finished, he left immediately, as if he were afraid of being known. Look at it naughty, funny.


  It's very timid. If you slap your palm, it immediately gets under the bed. It is so brave, don't say when cats or chickens, it is a bad man had a fight, it became the home of the people's Liberation Army to protect us".


  Puppy, it's a lot of amateur, and after the new things of interest, it often in my paintings, staring at the eyes, but also imitate the painting on people's movements, so that I laugh.


  I like my dog. I play with it every day after school. It brings me lots of fun.
