my dream 英语作文带翻译20词(2)


  my dream 英语作文_第2篇:

  Everyone has his own ideal, I also have, that is to be a doctor.

  The doctor? Maybe you will ask, I wrote brush calligraphy, grew up must be a calligrapher, why is the doctor? In fact, I also have their own idea: everyone knows I have been doing surgery, not vigorous exercise. Every time physical education classes, I very embarrassed, the in the mind very want to and you run together, play together, but the body doesn't allow me to do so, I have only.

  In the sports meeting, the students that the appearance of running, happy smiling face, is imprinted on my mind. I have more than once dream see themselves as an athlete, but after waking up all back together again. Doctor, my ideal, seems to be to me and the same people after watching the disease also can live like normal people, I want to use my ideal to change themselves, with their own examples to motivate yourself, let oneself constantly learning, constantly achieve progress.

  Sometimes think, I still lucky, at least I not disabled after the operation. I found myself from the heart seems like this profession, not only because of his, but his life is also the doctors rescue, compared to the previous idea also dismissed, I suddenly think that kind of word "white angel", heart seemed to account for the holy place. Also fierce in the heart of a sigh: I must be kind when a "white angel". Not just for the sake of others, also for myself.

  This is my dream, you can tell me your dreams?





