



Dear angels in white:

  How do you do!

  In the Spring Festival of 2020, a sudden outbreak of new coronavirus broke the mood of family reunion. Novel coronavirus is now on the way to your life. You have given up your chance to get together with your family and go to Wuhan to support you. But you have never complained about the fight against the new coronavirus.

  With the gradual spread of the epidemic, more and more people are infected, and you are busier and busier. Maybe a nurse should take care of several patients, exhausted, but you don't complain at all. You will feel happy because a patient's physical condition is getting better, you will feel excited because a patient finally leaves the hospital, and you will leave because of a patient's misfortune The world is sad. In the face of such an epidemic, a reporter once asked a nurse, "do you think you are afraid?"? I was very touched by the nurse's reply. She said, "I'm afraid, of course I am. Everyone will feel fear when facing death, but I think since I am engaged in this job, I should stick to my post, and I will stick to it even if I am afraid of it! "

  Yes, they are also mortals made of flesh. Their families are also worried about their relatives. But when the epidemic comes, they don't choose to escape. Instead, they face the difficulties and do their duty well.

  Eighty four year old grandfather Zhong Nanshan could have spent the Spring Festival, but he chose to go to the front line of the hospital. Seventeen years ago, when Zhong Nanshan, 67, fought against SARS, he once said, "send all the critically ill patients to me." Now he said, "if I get the virus, my partner will save me. "

  And Dr. Li Wenliang, who died of the new coronavirus infection on the front line, was still so young at that time. In his last days, he didn't complain or complain at all, but left a sentence: "don't want to be a deserter, the epidemic will spread again, and I will be on the front line if I am well." But before he saw the end of the epidemic, he died, leaving his wife and children. One of the children was still in his mother's stomach, not yet born, but never saw his father again.

  There are more angels in white who have sacrificed for this. Maybe we don't even know their names, but their spirit of silent contribution makes us unforgettable forever. Let's salute them here!

  What time is quiet? It's just that someone is carrying us on. In the most dangerous moment, they are up against the difficulties and turn into the strongest shield to protect us. They have never complained. British writer klinkel said: "the real great man is often ordinary." And you are the kind of seemingly ordinary but really great people. This is our angels in white.

  I wish you:

  Good health, smooth work, early home and family reunion.

  Respect one of your middle school students: Zhishu

  February 17, 2020




  随着疫情的逐渐蔓延,越来越多的人感染,你们越来越繁忙,可能一位护士就要照顾好几位病人,累的心疲力尽,可你们却没有丝毫怨言,你们会因为一位病人的身体状况逐渐好转而感到高兴,会因为一位病人终于出院而感到激动,你们也会因为一位病人的不幸离世而伤心难过。面对这样的疫情, 有位记者曾问过一位护士说:你觉得你怕不怕?那位护士的回答让我十分感动,她说:“怕呀,当然怕。每个人面临死亡的时候都会感到恐惧,但我觉得我既然从事这一份工作,我就应该坚守我的岗位,再怕我也会坚持下去!”











Dear angel in white:


  Now it's Chinese New Year's day. We should get together with our families at home. Because of a terrible new coronavirus pneumonia, you can't get together at home. Instead, you should rush to the first front line recklessly and let us live a safe life.

  You wear white coats in the ward every day and fight with the virus. Some of you leave the world because you are too tired or infected by the virus. For example, President Liu Zhiming, Professor Lin Zhengbin, nurse Liu fan, how great you are. In order to wear protective clothing and reduce the possibility of virus infection, you (female nurse, doctor) shaved your beloved Long hair. Although your hair is gone, your short hair makes you more beautiful.

  You (all doctors and nurses) don't eat or drink water in order not to delay a little time, because you are afraid of going to the toilet to let time flow away.

  You are great, selfless, and self serving.

  Here I would like to give you a song (written by myself) blue sky, small grass, big tree and several flowers, your heart is like that flower, illuminating you, making you more brilliant, you are your hero.

  Although I can't help you to see the patients, I can go out less and see one less patient with one less patient, and finish the war as soon as possible.


  Angel in white is healthy

  This brings



  February 27, 20XX














