《黑镜子》 英语电影观后感(2)


  Another story is set in a future where people must pedal bikes in order to generate power for the world and earn money that they can spend only on food, skipping TV ads, other entertainment and to change their online avatar.


  In the third and final episode of season two, which aired on Feb 27, a computer-generated character from a TV show is jokingly put forward to become a member of Parliament.


  One of the joys of watching Black Mirror is that as an anthology series it changes its setting, characters and theme in each episode, always leaving viewers unsure about what to expect in the next installment.


  But the series presents a world in which anything is possible thanks to technology — a hard, cold fact that is less joyous to digest.


  The stories, often through extreme situations, explore the human anxieties that surround technology: when we enjoy science but ignore morality, will we suffer a disaster?


  Charlie Brooker, creator of the series, described Black Mirror as being about “the way we live now — and the way we might be living in 10 minutes’ time if we’re clumsy”.  该剧的编剧查理布鲁克称《黑镜子》展现的就是“我们现在的生活方式——或者如果我们还是这样继续冥顽不灵的话,这将是我们十分钟后的生活方式。”

  I’ve always enjoyed TV series and movies that make people think. Black Mirror is undoubtedly a thought-provoking experiment and a refreshing change from other programs on the schedule.

