


  1. Choose a song you have an emotional connection to, not necessarily one you think you ought to sing.

  1. 要选择一首情感上有共鸣的歌,未必要是你觉得应该唱的歌。

  If you like the song and it has meaning for you, this will come across and you will make a better connection with your audience.


  2. If possible, practice the song ahead of time to get an idea of whether the key of the original recording works for you.

  2. 如果可能的话,提前唱唱看这首歌,看看原版录音的音调是否合适。

  If not, many karaoke situations have machines that can raise or lower the key of your song.


  3. Your main focus in singing is telling a story.

  3. 唱歌的重点在于讲故事。

  Spend some time with the lyrics and get an idea of what the song is about. You will make a better connection with the audience if you know what emotions you want to portray in your performance.


  4. Focus the energy on the audience.

  4. 把精力集中在听众上。

  If you need to look at the monitor for lyrics, don't keep your attention there the entire time -- look up and at the audience as often as you comfortably can.


  5. If your anxiety level is high, consider singing with at least one other person.

  5. 如果你很紧张,那就考虑一下和别人一起唱。

  There is safety in numbers and this can be an interim step to singing solo.

  人多了就能安心了,这也是开始独唱前的过渡阶段。6. If you go to a karaoke bar it may be tempting to drink alcohol to bolster your courage.

  6. 如果你去的是提供酒水的KTV,那就点些酒水壮壮胆。

  Resist the temptation -- alcohol has a drying effect on the vocal mechanism and impairs your ability to tell the story of the song.


  7. Don't obsess on the mechanics of singing.

  7. 不要过度追求唱歌技巧。

  The audience would much rather hear a good story teller with a less than perfect delivery than a really good voice with no connection to the song or audience. 比起嗓音完美但没有共鸣的演绎歌曲来说,听众更想听到的是歌曲中的故事。

  8. Let your body reflect what you are singing about.

  8. 用身体表现你在唱的内容。

  Movement helps to free the voice and make a better connection with the audience. 肢体动作能够解除嗓音的禁锢,和听众更好地互动。

  9. Eye contact is important.

  9. 眼神交流很重要。

  If it's uncomfortable to make contact for very long, scan the audience. Looking at different parts of the room every few seconds will make everyone feel included in your performance.


  10. Last but not least, have fun.

  10. 最后一点:享受唱歌。

  The more comfortable you look (even if you don't feel comfortable on the inside), the more the audience will root for you and the less likely they are to notice any less than perfect moments.

