

  7. Preppy Eggs


  With such a variety of beautiful patterns, grosgrain ribbon is an ideal adornment for a springtime egg.


  What to do: Dye egg desired color and let dry completely. Lay a sheet of wax paper on a hard surface. Lay a strip of ribbon longer than the circumference of the egg right side down on the wax paper. With the foam brush, cover the entire surface of the ribbon with craft glue. Be careful not to move the ribbon or you may get glue on the underside. Lay an egg at one end of the ribbon and roll until ribbon fully encircles the egg. Let the ribbon overlap the starting point about ¼ inch, and snip the end. Smooth ribbon against the egg with your fingers. Let dry.


  8. Bling Bling Eggs


  For a sparkly centerpiece, fill a glass bowl with glitter-dotted eggs.


  What to do: Dye egg desired color and let dry completely. Working with one side of the egg at a time, squeeze different size circles of glue on the egg. Holding the egg over a plate, pour glittering glue over the egg and shake off the excess (the egg will still have unwanted glitter, but don't worry about that yet). Let the egg dry and repeat on the other side of the egg. Let dry several hours at least. When completely dry, carefully brush egg with the dry bristles of an old toothbrush to remove the unwanted glitter.

  制作过程:用喜欢的颜色浸染,然后等其干透。每次只着手鸡蛋的一个面,在鸡蛋上挤出不同尺寸的圆形胶。把它腾空在一个碟上,然后往鸡蛋上倒闪闪发光的胶,接着甩掉多余的胶水(彩蛋上仍会有多余的胶水,但是不用担心)。让彩蛋干燥,在彩蛋的另一面重复此步骤。至少要干燥几个小时。完全干燥后,用牙刷小心翼翼地刷去多余的胶水。  9. Have a Nice Day Eggs


  This blast from the past image is a super easy way to make your eggs happy.


  What to do:Dye eggs yellow and let dry completely. Draw faces with black marker.

