


  Also known as Confucius temple, the temple is a place where people sacrifice to Confucius. Listen to adults, in many cities across the country have built the temple. Zhangzhou, the historical and cultural city also built a temple. Zhangzhou is located in the temple are full of historical imprints of older neighbourhoods by west road, it was built in the song dynasty, about one thousand years ago, is a state-level cultural relics protection units. Zhangzhou zhu xi in this lecture not only has the southern song dynasty, the temple, zheng chenggong Huang Daozhou here of sacrifice to Confucius and Confucius seed is used to living here. Therefore, the temple has been celebrated in zhangzhou.

  During the Spring Festival this year, I traveled to zhangzhou to visit the temple, worship Confucius film. Through by road that has written "DE with heaven and earth, ancient and modern" big memorial arch, step into the temple, the first thing you encounter is a statue standing in the tall statue in the middle of the square face kindly, a twinkle in his eyes, this is the Confucius is regarded as "the saint", the ancient great thinker, educator and litterateur in China. He founded the earliest schools - school in our country. Confucius is the outstanding representative of Chinese traditional culture, his thought of China even the world had a profound impact. With admiration of Confucius, I stand in front of the statue, deeply bowed.

  Around the statue, you step up, reach the majestic dacheng hall, before the house stood six tall pillars of panlong, carver is exquisite, vivid. Enter the temple, the Confucius statue sits in the middle of, as if is to inculcate his disciples. Cave before putting several, case, stand on both sides of the copper horse, kirin, do manual work is delicate, elegant. The hall is of primitive simplicity and easy.

  Out of the dacheng hall, stroll around the temple, the environment elegant, flowers fragrance. On both sides of the wing by many generations of preserved inscriptions, stone carvings, shows the long history of zhangzhou Confucian temple and the prominent position. Come to visit and worship came in an endless stream, says more about the people's respect to Confucius

  After visiting the temple, I am proud of China have the master such a notorious teachers, proud of with excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, is also more inspired me to inherit and carry forward the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture of determination!
