




  When it's clear, there's rain, and people on the road want to break their souls. " People are always in a hurry on Qingming Festival every year. This year's Qingming Festival is sunny. Grandma, Grandpa, mom and Dad took me to my hometown to visit Abby's grave.


  I'm very excited all the way. The scenery on the mountain is so beautiful! There are rape flowers, crops, flowers, plants and trees. There are all kinds of flowers. The trees are green and the forest is lush. Soon, we came to the Abbey cemetery. Our latte spade first weeding at the edge of the graveyard, then covered the grass on the pile shaped grave, then burned paper, incense and firecrackers in front of the grave. After we sent our respects. It soon went down the mountain.


  On the way home, I think Qingming Festival is a small festival, but every year today we will recall the memory of our family members. Let's always remember them. This is actually a very good thing.



  It is not only a national custom, but also a common feeling of human beings to visit tombs and remember ancestors in the Qing and Ming Dynasties. But in recent years, there are more and more famous tombs in some places. Some people ask the great fairy witch to pray for their ancestors and seek shelter for their descendants; some sell small paper people, most of whom are fashionable women, who say they want to "offer some romantic and romantic gifts to the elderly"; some people think that there is not enough money, but also make a "deposit slip". The president and vice president of the deposit slip bank are Yuhuang and Yanluo.


  These practices desecrated the spirits of ancestors, poisoned people's hearts, deviated from the original intention of tomb sweeping, and also defiled the "Qingming" of Qingming Festival. I'm afraid I won't agree to it if my ancestors know it.


  The times have changed. The way of tomb sweeping should be more civilized. Send a bunch of flowers as a token of mourning, and plant a tree beside the grave on the opportunity of soil cultivation, which is not only solemn and thrifty, but also green the environment. And soon to the Qingming Festival, I hope that people will consciously stay away from feudal superstition, civilized tomb sweeping, so that the qingming festival really becomes "Qingming".



  There are many customs about Qingming Festival, such as ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, outing and tree planting. On Qingming Day, our family chose to go to the countryside for a walk.


  Walking on the country road, the fresh air comes with the fragrance of the rape flower. Let me like it here. In the distance, a golden carpet made of rape flowers is just like a desolate hill plated with glittering gold. It's very beautiful!


  The grass didn't seem to wake up, but spring girl told them it was time to get up. So the grass came out of the earth and looked at the world curiously. The willow trees by the river drew out new branches and buds, dressed their willow mothers like ornaments. In a flash, they put on new green clothes, which made them look younger and more beautiful. Colorful butterflies are dancing in the flowers, as if singing about the beautiful spring.


  This time I went for a outing, the rural appearance was deeply left in my memory. How can this picturesque scenery not be forgotten?



  There is a custom in my hometown. Every family in Qingming Festival needs to pack qingtuan. My family is also busy celebrating the festival.


  On the morning of Qingming Festival, my mother and I got up early and bought the materials for making green dumplings from the vegetable market. I saw my mother busy in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and saw my mother kneading the dough. I added a kind of grass to the dough. I asked my mother curiously, "Mom, what kind of grass is this?" my mother said, "this kind of grass is called green."


  After a while, a round dough appeared in front of my eyes. My mother said, "you can wrap the dough." When I heard "baoqingtuan", I was excited. I must help my mother baoqingtuan. I took a piece of dough and rubbed it up. My mother taught me to rub a hole in the dough first, and then pinch it thin with my thumb. Finally, I made the dough into the shape of a bowl mouth, put the stuffing in it and sealed it. But the dough in my hand could not be sealed even if I didn't listen to my orders When she gave up, her mother said, "failure is the mother of success."
