




  A novel coronavirus outbreak broke out in Wuhan during the Spring Festival. At one point, the epidemic began to spread along with the movement of Spring Festival transportation, which led to the spread of the epidemic outside Hubei province. At this critical moment, under the command of President Xi, the epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. China has launched a sniper fight against the epidemic.


  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, doctors from Wuhan and other supporting medical teams from all over the country have rushed to the front line to fight against the virus and save lives. Medical staff sleep on the floor and protect their patients, and they are confident of their diagnosis. Medical staff work round the clock, eat simple meals in the face of shortage of resources, and sleep on the floor when they are sleepy. They do not want to go to the toilet without taking off protective clothing, and they are thirsty and do not drink water. Seeing this scene, my eyes moistened with emotion. At ordinary times, novel coronavirus is not my concern, I don't know why I call them angels in white. Today, I understand that they are the patron saint of life. They turn their heads in front of the new coronavirus and put their personal safety aside. They are the greatest people, and I want to pay tribute to them.


  At the time of this crisis, a familiar figure came out again. He is academician Zhong Nanshan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the period of SARS in 2003, he stood up to doctors and said, "send all the severe patients to me". This time, he said the same thing, but what people didn't know was that the hard work of academician Zhong Nanshan in treating patients was hidden behind this sentence. I saw the interview program of academician Zhong Nanshan on TV. His speech gave us confidence to win the epidemic. Wuhan will win, China will win!


  Help comes from all quarters of China. When the number of infected people is increasing, Xi Jinping has issued instructions to prevent and control strictly and fight against the epidemic campaign. When more serious cases are increasing, medical supplies are almost gone. At that time, Chinese provinces and autonomous regions donated medical materials to Wuhan, and doctors who sent out support for Wuhan, and one side had difficulties in helping all sides, this move made me moved.


  According to preliminary investigation, the virus comes from wild animals, so we need to control our mouths. Do not kill wild animals, do not eat wild animals!


  I believe that with the efforts of the angel in white and the unity and struggle of the whole nation, Wuhan will surely reappear its former glory, and all people will not have to stay at home or be attacked by the evil spirits. Let's go out of the house and feel the beauty of spring flowers.


  I would like to pay tribute to the angel in white! Cheer for you! May you be safe and overcome the epidemic as soon as possible!


  Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!



  Wuhan, win!


  Jittery epidemic of novel coronavirus is still a thorn in the hearts of the people. Especially with the increasing number of cases and the rising of the cases, the public, especially the people of Wuhan, is more anxious than ever.


  Of course, as a national leader and the most beloved Xi dada in everyone's mind, President Xi has issued many effective measures and inspiring slogans in response to the epidemic, which makes us feel extremely warm and touched. President Xi Jinping pull together in times of trouble, we must win the difficult epidemic prevention and control. Then we must firmly believe and implement four key words: confidence, mutual help, scientific prevention and precision, so that we can control the disease quickly and effectively, return to the people of Wuhan, and also give the Chinese people a more stable and stable state. Living environment. 


  In the face of this merciless and cruel epidemic situation, many and many people rushed to Wuhan bravely, especially those medical personnel and staff who rushed to the front line were not afraid of life and death, brave and determined to fight against the epidemic situation and save lives. This kind of fearless spirit is enough to prove the spirit and courage of our great country. Moreover, China has always been a country where one side has difficulty in providing support from all sides. Not with the development of the epidemic, nearly 17 medical teams have been assigned to Hubei, and medical materials have been sent to Hubei overnight. A batch of medical materials have been delivered to Hubei, and those caring people and volunteers have donated money and materials in time, trying to convey their love and support When I arrived in Wuhan, how could the spirit of "the whole country together and the unity of the people" not be moved or tearful?


  Now the epidemic is an unstable time bomb, so people will worry and panic, which is justifiable. However, with the strict prevention and scientific research of the country, it is undeniable that the number of healers is also increasing, which undoubtedly gives us great confidence. Therefore, in any case, we should believe in the country and believe that we can win A hard battle. At the same time, I also hope that Wuhan's friends will not worry too much. Please take good care of yourself, because the country has been caring for you, and the people all over the country are supporting you, and we will definitely go with you, so, Wuhan, please come on, China, please come on!


  In fact, with the rapid construction of Xiaotangshan Hospital, the continuous research and experiment of vaccines, and the continuous healing and improvement of patients, we have seen a lot of hope and witnessed many miracles. Therefore, we must be confident to fight against the epidemic, because we will definitely win the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic. Finally, I also want to sincerely say to my compatriots from afar: Wuhan, come on! Wuhan, we will win!
