



英语作文 篇1

  It’s reported that there are more than sixty million students and teachers watched the first space lecture hosted by Wang Yaping in the Tiangong-1. It has aroused hot concern and discussion. The lecture was about motion in micro-gravity environments and the surface tension of liquid in space, as well as the concepts of weight, mass and Newton's Law. Many people say this activity will produce far-reaching impact. It will first inspire children’s interest in space and then to work hard. In addition, youth people can be more intuitive access to aerospace knowledge by this way. Their interaction with the astronauts would make children are no longer strangers to the distant universe, so that stimulates their love of science and knowledge of worship, develop lofty ideals in the heart of aerospace. In short, scientific knowledge has helped open a window for the youngsters to know about the universe. I am sure that this activity will take root in youngers’ heart as a seed, and ultimately grow into towering trees.


英语作文 篇2

  is tv a plus or a minus ?

  tv is not only a convenient and cheap service of enter - tainment , but also a splendid mas s medium of communication . people only have to pay once to buy a tv set , then they can sit at home enjoying the it ems on tv . all they have to do is to pus a but ton or turn a knob , and they can see plays , films , operas and shows of every kind . t v keeps us well informed about the cur r ent events at home and abroad and the latest development in science and technology . the most distant countries and the st rangest customs a re brought right into our room . on tv everything is much mor e living and much mor e real . as a mat ter of fact , it has become so much a pa r t of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable . some people even say that life without television is not worth living .

  some people argue against tv . t hey think that tv viewers need do nothing . the viewer does not even have to use his legs if he has a remote cont rol . many people a re glued to seats to look at the movements on t v . they become so dependent on its pictures that it begin s to cont rol their lives . as a result , tv is taking up too much of a per son’s life and making him lazy , not to mention its ha rmful influence upon him, such as the items of violence and pornography on television .

  on the whole , the re ar e more advantages than disadvantages in the u se of tv . differ ent people may have diffe rent at titudes toward tv . but we must realize that television in itself is neither good nor bad . i ts value to people and society depends on how we look at it .


  本文是一篇议论文, 纵谈电视的利弊。本文遵循“一个问题— 两种观点— 我的意见”这一传统“ 三段式”作文的模式。全文论点明确, 语言表达流畅, 所列举的supporting details 均很真实生动, 贴近生活实际。


  mass medium/ media 大众传媒

  keep ( s b .) well informed of/ about 使了解

  curr ent events at home and abroad 国内外时事

  bring sth . into 把带入

  as a ma tter of fact 事实上

  be worth + -ing 值得

  be glued to . . . 粘在上

  be( come) dependent on . . . 依赖

  not to mention . . . 更不用提

  violence and pornography 暴力和色情

  on the whole 总的说来

英语作文 篇3

  My pen pal is from Hen Nan, China. His name is Xu Hao. I think Hen Nan is a very beautiful place. He is 16 years old and his birthday is in November. He can speak Chinese and a little English. He likes math very much because it is very interesting. He doesn’t like Chinese because he thinks Chinese is very boring. He wants to be a doctor. His favorite actor is Jack Chen. He likes dogs very much because dogs are very fun.

  He is a funny pen pal.

英语作文 篇4


  Dear Sir or Madam

  I'm grateful to have the chance to apply for a

  fully-funded scholarship to study at Cambridge

  University. My name is Li Qian, a student studying A-Level courses from Sichuan province. I intend to spend my college years at Cambridge University.

  I am bond of Cambridge University, which has the most advanced education in the world, so that I can acquire

  scientific knowledge since I love to have a career in the field of Computer Engineering. England is a multicultural country, so I can gain much experience when I communicate with my classmates coming from all over the world. At the same time, there are many lasted technology knowledges at

  Cambridge University. And, the climate of England is similar with the climate of Chengdu.

  If I can achieve my dream of studying at Cambridge University, I will make the best use of my time. My plan is as follows. First, I plan to improve my English ability. Then, I will study hard about computer science which is my major at college and my interest.

  Apart from my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Badminton, dance and music are my interests as well. I suppose you will want a student who has many talents. I will use the scholarship to do some professional training and then if I am ready, I will strive to build a career.

  Please give me a feedback at your earliest convenience if my qualifications meet your requirements. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Qian
