

大学英语作文 篇6

  Pop music is held I contempt by many people. In these people’s eyes pop music is always in sharp contrast to “lofty music”. The latter refers to symphonies and operas of the European countries. They show great concern for the fact that many people prefer pop music to symphonies, because for them pop music should be excluded from the holy palace of music.


  Conversely, many people have an order for pop music. They argue that people who want us to listen to symphonies are advocating a kind of “elite culture”. This notion is unacceptable to pop music fans, for they don’t believe that symphonies are loftier than pop music. The difference only lies in the interests of different people. It is unfair to speak of pop music with contempt while speaking of symphonies with awe.


  In conclusion, my idea is that just as there is no distinction between high culture and low culture, so it is inappropriate to say pop music belongs to the “lower” people whereas symphonies in a higher, loftier form of music. After all, there are many badly-composed symphonies. And we can’t expect every piece of pop music to be excellent. Pop music reflects the thoughts and interests of a certain age group of a generation. It is the product of a certain age, but it also has something universal, something that belongs to all human beings, that underlies its great success among people. In this sense it is rather foolish for some people of media to show great concern simply because many people prefer pop music. Anyway pop music has become an indispensable part of the human family.


大学英语作文 篇7

  Knowledge and Diploma

  With the development of the society, more and more people enroll in the postgraduate examination for getting a igher knowledge.Most companies are inclined to hire the people with higher diploma.It seems that having high diploma means a better future.

  However , is it really true that high diploma equals to high ability or profound knowledge?Some people do not agree this.They claim that ability or Microsoft,for example,he does not have an MBA degree which is believed to play a vital role in the success in commercial life.Furthermore ,Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. dose not have one eithere,but they are among the most successful man in the commercial world.

  In my opinion, diploma is not equal to knowledge,A diploma is a piece of paper which establisher your education degree.But your true ability and the real knowledge coma from your hard work and endowment.If you got a diploma by dishonest behabior,no matter how high it is ,it stands for nothing.





大学英语作文 篇8

  Memorial Temple of Lord Bao





  lord bao memorial temple is located in baohe park just southwest of the city center. it was initially built in 1066 in memory of baozheng, a famous upright officer during the northern song dynasty (960 - 1127).

  lord bao memorial temple is a typical ancient architectural comple with style imitating that of the song dynasty. covering an area of one hectare, it mainly consists of entrance gate, the second gate, the stele pavilion, the main hall, the second hall and the east and west ehibition rooms.

  in the main hall, a bronze statue of lord bao, which is three meters in height and 2.5 tons in weight, is displayed. with his hat and waist band on, baozheng sits upright. one of his hands placed on the chair with the other clenched.in the second hall, the historical materials and classic books about lord bao, the poems made by lord bao, monument inscription, and kaifeng residence and office monument inscription are ehibited.

  the eastern and western halls, using some pictures and essays, show visitors many stories and tales about lord bao.

大学英语作文 篇9

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write ashort essay entitled Optimism is the Road to a Promising Futureby commenting on the Tagore saying, If you shed tears whenyou miss the sun, you will also miss the stars. You should writeat least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future

  Our history has been filled with a variety of enlightening sayings, and the following is no exception: if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars. This remark can be naturallyassociated with the significance of optimism: if one intends to witness a promising future, it isadvisable for him to be optimistic.

  Optimism is the key to success in all fields of activity, and it can be likened to the road to apromising future. First, as a vital psychologicalquality, optimism brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for work, and helps us overcomedifficulties. Second, it is optimistic attitude that enables people to build upconfidence, hope and courage. (所有作文万能句)As a matter of fact, successful peoplehave come to realize the necessity of optimism in life, work and study.




3.关于成功Success 大学英语作文





