

英语作文 篇6

  Imagination is the thing that every child will have. I always imagine what it would be if I have super power. I think if I have super power, I can do many things that I want. If I have super power, I will make my family stay young forever. If I have super power, I can get full mark without study. If I have super power, I can go wherever I want. If I have super power, I can achieve my dream much easier. If I have super power, I don’t need to take the bus to school every morning. It is so wonderful to have super power.


英语作文 篇7

  Nowadays, more and more people are attracted by TV shows. It is a great shock in China and many youngsters want to attend this shows because they want become famous overnight.

  The advantages of the TV shows are clear to many people. To begin with,some young people think that the TV shows is a good ideal(翻译不通). It can providea chance to show their talents. Whats more, it can enriching(改为enrich)audiences spiritual world. Last but not least, in terms of business, the shows can help the channels achieve huge incomes.

英语作文 篇8

  A cracked smartphone screen's no good. But future phones may be sold with cracks built in—because a network of tiny cracks can actually toughen up a piece of glass.

  The crack research team borrowed the concept from mother-of-pearl, the iridescent stuff in abalone shells. It's 3000 times stronger than the mineral it's made of, due to its jigsawlike construction.

  Using a 3-D laser engraver—the tool used to make those glass trophies with a logo floating inside—the researchers carved cracks a few microns wide into glass slides, and filled the cracks with polyurethane. The resulting glass was 200 times tougher, because the microcracks dissipate energy, preventing larger cracks. The study is in the journal Nature Communications. [M. Mirkhalaf, A. Khayer Dastjerdi and F. Barthelat, Overcoming the brittleness of glass through bio-inspiration and micro-architecture]

  The cracks in this study are visible—so, not suitable for a smartphone screen. But the researchers say it's possible to shrink them down to less than a micron wide, an imperceptible size. As to whether crack-proof screens are a good business model, well, how much are you willing to shell out for an unbreakable phone?

  —Christopher Intagliata

英语作文 篇9

  part 1


  2. 面对“假日经济”的热潮,人们态度各异

  3. 在我看来…


Holiday Economy

  Holiday economy is not new to people all around the world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st (the National Day).The government established the week-long holiday back in 1999 to stimulate domestic spending.Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashing in ever since.

  However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people,including some economists,think positively about holiday economy.They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has increased consumption and helped to spur the domestic demands.While others,who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy,argue that holiday economy do more harm than good.For example,during the extended holiday, scenic spots are overloaded with tourists,and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists,but also overburdens the tourist attractions.

  In my opinion, both sides are reasonable.We should take good advantages of the holiday to develop economy while trying to tackle the problems existed with practical measures.Only in this way can we not only enjoy the pleasure golden week endows us,but also promote the development of holiday economy soundly.

part 2


The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication





The Impact of the Cellphone on Interpersonal Communication

  The picture depicts a couple dating in the park. While the man just focuses on his cellphones, and doesn’t pay any attention to his partner or the nature beauty in the park. This picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: people spend too much time with their cellphones and communicate less and less with the people around them.

  Nowadays, the smart-cellphones become more and more important in our daily life. They have made our life more convenient. We are timely aware of the most latest news around or faraway from us.

  However, everything has two sides. Except for all the advantages, the smart-cellphones also have brought some problems. First, when you’re focus on the cellphone, you may ignore the beautiful scene around you. What’s worse, you are just absorbed in your own small world, rather than share your happiness and sorrows with the family. You hardly talk with your family and the ones around you. You become indifferent to them.

  All in all, let’s put down the cellphones and spend more time communicating with our family and friends face to face directly.

英语作文 篇10

  As summer movies get bigger and bigger, they often make the audience feel smaller and smaller. Kung Fu Panda is a simple and lighthearted exception. But in the movie, this panda isn’t just cuddly1; it’s an overweight dreamer.

  Kung Fu Panda begins with a brilliantly colored dream. In the dream, panda Po imagines he’s part of the Furious2 Five, a group of elite3 kung fu fighters: a tiger, a mantis4, a bird, a snake and a monkey. When Po wakes up, though, he’s far from their ranks and can’t even conquer a flight of stairs. He’s the son of a noodle shop owner, a goose.“I don’t dream about noodles, Dad,” Po says. “I love kung fu.”

  The Furious Five are led by the Master Shifu whose own guru, the turtle, Oogway, fears their nemesis5 Tai Lung will return and destroy their valley. All Oogway wants is peace in the valley.

  To defend the valley and the Chinese town, Oogway must find the Dragon Warrior6 to fulfill an ancient prediction. As you might guess, Po is unexpectedly thrust into this role despite any evidence of talent, and the movie is essentially about whether he can live up to this destiny.

  Animal heroes

  The film is apparently not your typical Shrek or Toy Story copy but a real martial arts film.“Our way meant having animal characters as living embodiments7 of the original animal fighting styles of kung fu,” said director John Stevenson.“We didn’t want the kung fu in our film just to look like human beings wearing animal suits doing fighting.” Here are the moves of these animal kung fu masters and stars who gave them voices:

  Po (Jack Black)

  Traditional styles of kung fu aren’t a good fit for this giant panda. So, Po must embrace8 his true panda nature and use his physical attributes, including his large belly and rear end.

  Jack: I liked the concept of it, you know, this innocent panda who has a dream of being a kung fu master but really is kind of a clumsy9 fool. I thought there was a lot of potential for humour in it. I didn’t really research very much. I just felt like the character was very close to me and I just had to look back to my youth, my innocent days, and I drew just from my own experience.

  Tigress (Angelina Jolie)

  Tigress strikes directly, using speed and power to destroy opponents’ defenses. Tigress is elegant, fighting honorably and never using her claws.

  Jolie: I just look for, whether it be any project, something that I find about a character that I admire, that I like, that I think sends, you know, a good message, or something that’s got some strength to it.

  So I loved that in a film like this, that I knew my children would see, that the boys would think it was really cool and love the whole movie but that also my daughters would, of course, have a good role model as a girl.

  Monkey (Jackie Chan)

  Monkey is the only one of the five to fight with a tool, usually a staff. Monkey confuses his enemy, striking at will10 from any position with speed, skill and passion.

  Jackie: I don’t know cartoon. But when I make my action movies, just like cartoon, a lot of action, no violence, a lot of comedy, it’s clean comedy. Because I know there’re so many kids around the world. They like action movies. They like cartoons.

  Viper11 Lucy Liu

  Viper’s ability to change into any shape makes her nearly impossible to hit. She uses her lightning-fast reflexes to avoid blowers before she hits back.

  Q: They film you when you are doing the voiceovers12. And they can take things that are characteristic of you and put them into the character. Did you see anything of Lucy in Viper?

  Liu: Not really. I mean, her eyes are gigantic and, obviously she’s got a small mouth. I didn’t feel like I could see a lot of it. But I think that that’s the subtlety13 of when they do film you. There’re gestures that you’re not aware of when you’re talking, when you’re acting, when you’re doing things. You’re doing them and you do forget that the camera’s there. I think that’s what they want. They want what is natural to what you would do normally.

  Shifu (Dustin Hoffman)

  Shifu moves faster than any challenger. He uses the most force with the least effort. His signature move is the Wuxi finger hold, with which he can overpower an opponent with the touch of a finger.

  Dustin: They put us in a room. We each have a microphone. It’s—you know, as you say, you’re isolated. And it’s a strange feeling, because acting is interacting, and here you can’t do that.

  We start with nothing and then we slowly just get ideas and we let that begin to influence us. A moustache14, the way we part our hair or the way we dress—kind of the rhythm, the physical rhythm we have, and here that’s already created and now you come in and they would say to you, “We want you to fill that somehow,” and that was, I felt, challenging.









