

  If I am lucky enough having an oppotunity to enter in a corporation which famous for its scientific research level,I hope it could possess these charactertics described as bellowd.

  Firstly,the corporation should be liner organization structure which has the advantages of power concentration,authority and resposibilities clear devided,unified command,information communication convenient,facilitating a unified command and centralized management.Absolutely, th structure has some defects and requiring a master with universalmanagement talent  one of the biggest dadvantages .Thus,a functional organization should be created to asst the manager to manage the corporation.Aparently,a business with th kind of organization structure could not be huge size for its limits in management.

  Secondly,the corparate culture  one of the most important components for a corporation.As far as I amconcerned,a dynamic enterpre culture should have a clear and positive goal which induce its employers to realize the value of their life in the course of acheiveing it.Besides,the enterpre must has the pursuit of innovation which  the core competitiveness of a corporation.In addition,a strong sense of responsibility  essentially concerned for a firm because no business can thrive strongly withoutsharing resposibitities and rks.If it comes down to a type,it may be“work-hard,play hard ”culture.Th category of organization culture perhaps be the most appropriate one for me because I do not like an atmosphere which filled with the smell of gunpowder.

  As for the department I prefered,it  undoubtedly that Iwould chooseresearch and development department for I want to live up to my years of education and make my value of life come ture.The research and development department serve three paramount purposes:the development of new products,the improvement of old products andeach post personnel responsible for the relevant documents.I wh to be an environmentalt from my adolescence so I try to exploit some products with my professional skill that environmental friendly and simultaneously,bring benifitsto humanbeings.  In a word, the ideal corporation I worked on could be small but has humantic care and the colleagues worked with me could be positive and diligent to work.The boss I worked for could be a person who  strict with our work but concurrently be friendly and relatively equal to everyone. It can not be better if the address of the enterpre could be near to my home and the traffic condition  not so bad.
