

6. Set boundaries

  If you feel under pressure from specific people to live a life that’s not true to yourself, then it’s time to set boundaries. Doing this can be challenging, as you risk disrupting the dynamic of your relationship with that person or people. Ultimately, however, the people who respect and care about your well-being will want to support you as you explore your individuality and develop a life that is more authentic.

5. Have fun and experiment

  If you’ve been living someone else’s life, it can be hard to visualize what your ideal life might even look like.

  This is a great opportunity to experiment with possibilities and explore your interests, dreams, goals and ambitions.

7. Spend time with yourself

  Just like we get to know other people by spending time with them, we get to know ourselves by spending time with ourselves. Make time to be alone with yourself, without distraction, and begin the process of reconnecting to your true thoughts and feelings.

8. Imagine your eulogy

  Just like taking a bigger-picture perspective, thinking about how you want to be remembered can help you focus on what’s most important to you. What do you want people to say about who you were and what you did?

9. Remember that it’s your life

  As obvious as it might sound, remember that your life is your your own and that, as much as other people might give you advice, you are the one who will have to live with the consequences of that advice. Keeping this reality in mind can help you distance yourself from other people’s opinions and beliefs.


  很多时候,我们活着只是在做事、行走、吃饭等基本的事情,而不是真正为自己而活。又是我们为他人的需要考虑而忽略了自己。这样的生活可能看似还不错,但我们却会越来越空虚和不快乐。我们应该做的事为自己而活。30 Things You Should Do For Yourself

  Sometimes we can find ourselves simply managing our lives, our time and our responsibilities, instead of actually living. Or, we put other people’s lives in front of our own, ensuring their needs are met before your own. Well, it’s time to start doing things for yourself; including making your happiness the priority and being kinder to yourself.

  It’s time to start giving your energy to the right people and the right goals, both in your career and in your personal life. Accept the things that can’t be changed and work towards changing the things that can. Appreciate the beauty of small moments, the things that you have, how rich your life is and enjoy the adventure the world creates for you.

  Here are 30 things you can start doing for yourself, that you can use to change your life and your perspective:
