



  现实中的我们大都是平凡人,但殊不知平凡中也会显现出伟大。苏格拉底说:“每个人身上都有太阳,只是要让它发出光来。” 工作是人生中不可或缺的一部分,是谋生的手段,也是寻找快乐的窗口。平凡的人无论处于怎样平凡的工作岗位,手里做着平凡得不能再平凡的小事,都会怀揣责任,全身心投入,把工作做好。





  柏拉图说:“征服自己是最大的胜利。积累平凡,就是积累卓越” 让我们首先战胜自己,在平凡的生活中实现自己不平凡的人生价值。

  In the red dust, most people work hard on the road from reality to dream. And most people may not reach the end of success. What they ended up writing was just an ordinary life. But perhaps many people will not understand after a lifetime, in fact, the charm of life lies in this process of running. We enjoy the ordinary, is enjoying the infinite wonderfulness of life.

  Most of us in reality are ordinary people, but we do not know that ordinary people will show greatness. Socrates said: "Everyone has the sun on them, just to let it shine." Work is an indispensable part of life, a means of earning a living, and a window to find happiness. Ordinary people, no matter what ordinary job position they are in, do trivial things that can't be more ordinary in their hands, they will bear responsibility and devote themselves to doing their jobs well.

  Life is not perfect. Many times, we are not the darlings of life, we have no choice, such as birth, career, etc., so we can only choose ordinary, slowly learn to accept the unchangeable destiny and suffering, so that melancholy becomes strong. Many times, we have many choices, such as laughing or crying, happy or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, so we learn to fight our destiny, find our own value, and find our own life path.

  There are many ordinary teachers around us. They are ordinary and real, passionate and straightforward, pragmatic and hardworking. They regard ordinary education as a lifelong career, with spring breeze and spring rain, moisturizing things and heart, spring to autumn, flowers blooming, peach and fragrant fragrance. They "work by sunrise and die by sunset" day after day, year after year, working diligently on the three-foot podium during the day, and tirelessly accompanied by a clear-light keyboard at night. Treat ordinary as a kind of enjoyment, regardless of the gains and losses of fame and fortune, and become a spiritually wealthy person. In it, you will always feel their positive and optimistic attitude, delicate and passionate emotions, and perseverance. Because they deeply understand that happiness is in giving to children, in the ordinary teaching process. They believe that extraordinary things can be achieved in ordinary things.

  But ordinary is never mediocre. Ordinary people live in ordinary lives, but are doing extraordinary efforts. Ordinary people treat people with ordinary hearts, know how to conquer their sharp edges, and know their conscience and responsibilities as human beings. The mediocre people are passive, they are uneasy about the ordinary, but because they give up their efforts, they will always be the watchers of the world.

  We will not refuse ordinary, but we must stay away from mediocrity and choose perfect. Everyone should regard themselves as an outstanding artist, not a mediocre craftsman, and should always live and work with a normal heart. Only in this way, you have the possibility to go from ordinary to excellence.

  Plato said: "Conquering yourself is the greatest victory. Accumulating ordinary means accumulating excellence." Let us first overcome ourselves and realize our extraordinary life value in ordinary life.










