

Responsibility: I am working as NPI Team leader and coordinate all team members, define the NPI candidate, make Assembly build plan, follow up the progress.2007/01—2007/12Marginal Electrical Boards Rescue Project Description: To rescue some electrical boards of testing equipment, a Task Force team was built up and led by me. We categorized each kind of board, made historical failure analysis on each kind of board and around &2.5 million dollars was saved finally.
Responsibility: Being the team leader, I took the job of data analysis, define each member's role, make program plan, coordinate each team member and follow up the progress.2006/10—2007/05Optimization the current Test Process Order for Flash Memory Project Description: To simplify the current Test procedure and enhance the working efficiency, a Task Force team has been called and started by me.
Responsibility: Being the Project leader, I take the main responsibility, such as, design, plan, organize and implement.2006/05—2006/12Test Yield of Flash memory Improvement Project Description: To improve the test yield of different products, a Task Force team was built up and led by me. Being the team leader, I worked with all team members to dig out the failure root cause for each product, defined action taken plan for each emergency case, coordinated each team member and make pro-active plan to avoided unexpected things happen.
Responsibility: Being the team leader of Improving Test Yield, coordinate each team member, make program plan and follow up.Education and Training 2005/05—2006/01Nanyang University of Science & Technology Microelectronics Doctorate I worked in Nan yang University of Science & Technology as a Research Fellow. I major at Gate oxide Reliability research in the duration.2004/03—2005/03Seoul National University of Korea Microelectronics Others I had been working in National Physical Lab of Seoul National University in Korea since March of 2004 to March of 2005 as a Post-doctor. Where I unhook the project of research & development of Carbon-Nan tube Biosensor. And only after one year, an EIS sensor based on CMOS technology has been successfully produced. And one SCI paper about it has been published in Semiconductor Science and Technology.2001/03—2004/03Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences Information Technology Doctorate1998/09—2001/03Nanjing University of Science & Technology Material Science and Engineering Master Being a master student of this period, I have published one EI paper about Super-fine metal power's electrical characteristics.1993/09—1997/07Nanjing University of Science & Technology Material Science and Engineering Bachelor1997/07—1998/07Assistant Engineer in Quality Verification Department, Boiler Factory in Zhengzhou city of Henan resistant Engineer in Quality Verification DepartmentProfessional SkillsLanguage Skills:English: EXCELLENT
Korean: AVERAGEComputer Skills:Technology   skilled 96Month
SAP   understanding 8MonthCertificate:2000/11  MCSE
1999/06  CET6Self-appraisal7 years working experience of Semiconductor Industry and where 2 years overseas working/study experience. Smart working, innovation thinking and very talented creative working model.


















