

  student name: ________________________ 中文姓名: _______________

  grade年级: _______ sex性别: _____ phone电话: __________________

  date of birth出生日期: ____ / ____ /________ (月/日/年) age年龄: _____

  place of birth 出生地: ____________________________

  address住址: __________________________________________________________

  mother's name母亲姓名: _____________________________ occupation职业: _________________

  work phone公司电话: _____________________ home phone住家电话: _________________

  address住址: ________________________________________________________________________

  father's name父亲姓名: ______________________________ occupation职业: _________________

  work phone公司电话: _____________________ home phone住家电话: _________________

  address住址: ________________________________________________________________________

  child lives with学童和谁住在一起: 1) mother母 ____ 2) father父 ____ 3) guardian监护人 ____ (please state guardian's name, relationship to child and reason child has a guardian. 请注明监护人之姓名, 与学童之关系及需要监护人之理由.)

  do the grandparents live in the family home with the child祖父母是否与学童住在一起 _______

  number of brothers兄弟人数 ______ ages年龄 ______________

  number of sisters 姊妹人数 ______ ages年龄 ______________

  how many siblings does the child live together with与学童住在一起之兄弟姊妹有多少位 _______

  religious faith of parents父母之宗教信仰: ______________________

  does child embrace that faith学童是否也信仰该宗教 ___________

  are the principles of religion discussed in the daily life of the family是否要求学童遵循该教之教义 _____

  has the child had any buddhist instruction学童有否受过任何佛学教育 __________________
