


  【1: 难忘的'一件事英语作文】

  In my growth process, there have been a lot of things, like the stars of the sky count the number of endless. But there is one thing that keeps me remember.

  I remember that it was in a rain, I just did not bring an umbrella, seeing the students are all insisted on an umbrella home, I envy very fast! Twilight, the whole class only one person waiting there. In my anxious time, a familiar figure standing in my eyes, that is - mother "Mom" I excitedly shouted, while ran to her mother. "My son, sorry, my mother is late." My mother lowered her head and said to me. "Mom, we go home now! It's already late," I said quickly.

  Back home, my mother told me that she came to pick me later ... ... and also told me that now no matter rain or no rain to bring an umbrella, said she is now working more busy, told me to walk every day Return home.

  Time flies, sun and the moon. Although this thing has been for many years, but now this thing will always emerge in my mind.

  【2: 难忘的一件事英语作文】

  Childhood is colorful, childhood is colorful, childhood like knocked over the five flavors, sweet and sour taste of salty flavored together. My childhood has one of the most memorable things, what is it? Look below.

  When I was three years old, I play in the grandfather, grandfather home has a large yard, which planted some flowers, I like to catch ants there to play, but today I grabbed, clutching, suddenly flew over a wings The ants, while flying side of the buzzing also called, as if you have the ability to catch me ah, come ah. I see it to provoke me, I suddenly furious, I do not care 3721 began to catch it, I used a move "sunflower catch chicken", it used a move "Lingbo micro-step" I am now Is Zhang Fei eat weight mound - iron heart, and non-caught it can not, I used a move my housekeeping skills "nine Yin white claws" to seize it, I just caught it, it used It's poison door hidden weapon "rain pear needle" sting me, I suddenly sat on the ground crying, this crying shaking,My father came to ask: "how do you cry? How is this thing?" I cried side of the side said: "band, with wings sting!" My father laughed, but also laughing tears, He smiled and said to me: "That is a bee, not ants." Dad to see if I want to catch, and quickly pulled me on the drug.

  Although some pain at that time, but this matter so far I can not forget. This is my most memorable thing, what is your thing?

  【3: 难忘的一件事英语作文】

  There was a lot of things happening in my elementary school life, and there was a sadness ... there was one thing so far that I was so unforgettable that it was like me to be with my shadow.

  It was a Wednesday at noon to school, the English head of the group loudly said to the class: "12:30 Wu Yajin and Dong Weiting to the English teacher office report." Then went home. I am uneasy to think: what is it? Time passed by a minute, at noon 12 I came to the office on time, Dong Weiting has arrived. There are two classes and three classes of four students. English teacher let each of us copy a flag of the speech, I am very happy, and quickly come up with a pen "shabu shabu" a few copies on the finished. The teacher asked: "Who is reading Chinese?" I rushed and said, "I read." The teacher first read the English people with the teacher one by one to learn, they just finished English, language teacher came in, let us practice again. I cleared my throat, read up, did not expect not finished the first sentence, the teacher let me stop. Said that my voice is too small, let me loud point, I tried several times before barely pass, but the word "垧" I often read "factory" and read "big" word is not loud. Because of this, I suffered a lot of criticism. The teacher asked me to go home and practice. Practice over and over again, the results of my back over the past, hope ah, hope ah! Monday to hope. When the speech of the flag, I can shout loudly, and shouting his voice. But I still continue to read. I returned to the class, Rodin and Ren Wan Ting said my voice changed, become better to listen to.

  Afterwards, although my throat had some pain, but I felt that it was a glory to speak under the flag. I will fight for such a chance later.

  【4: 难忘的一件事英语作文】

  In the life of life, we are in the happy growth, in the process of growing brigade, is often Kankan rough, in this rough happy happy days, often there will be some things that make you memorable.

  It was a sunny afternoon, I happily ran home, suddenly, a stone stumbled me, pants broke, and blood flow in the wound, I hurt the "quack" barking, Suddenly, the next came a cordial greetings caused my attention: "children, how, and pain?" I heard, turned and looked at the past, "nothing, I can go." Finished, try to stand "I'll help you go home!" She helped me up and asked, "where is your home?" I told my home address, she was slowly To help me go home.

  On the way home, she said to me: "You go home only after it, do not hand to touch the wound, use disinfectant cleaning, and then apply medicine, this time to pay attention to, know? I heard, should be a cry. After a while, I got home and said to her, "I am here, thank you." "No thanks, the next time be careful, do not be so careless." "Ah" I looked at her back, tears In the eyes of the spin, slowly, drop by drop across my cheek. Although aunt and I never met, but she is so meticulous care about me, take care of me, thank you, aunt!

  【5: 难忘的一件事英语作文】

  In my growth, experienced a lot of things, they are like a boat, echoed in my mind, from time to time roundabout. They are like the shells on the beach, some "brilliant" and some are "ugly". But the most forgotten or childhood of a past.

  It was when I read the second grade, the weather was sunny, sunny. I am accompanied by a good mood to go to school, when I go to school waiting mood does not seem as good as that, because I found that I forgot to take this with the operation. My mood suddenly like fifteen bucket of water - seven on eight, the action is also hurriedly chaos, I do not know what to do? If you go home now to find the job, then back and forth time is not enough, if the re- Time is not enough When I was so embarrassed, my desk said, "What's the matter?" I told him the truth of the matter. He gave me a new job and said to me, "With me!" I took the job and told him, "Thank you, I will give you." Heart is extremely grateful to him, he really is my savior ah. When I was writing, I was worried about the teacher. The classmate told me not to be afraid, and then looked at the teacher for me. The classmate is like a soldier for me. I paid the job in time. The heart of the stone finally came down. Soon the teacher came ...

  From this one thing, I feel the power of friendship, this power is extremely powerful; this makes me overcome many difficulties, can Qi Qi Jin. It made me memorable for a long time.

